
trump just called for liz cheney to be prosecuted for treason which, according to john roberts, is an official act and would not be subject to criminal sanction
Biden HAS to step aside now because he's against even considering expanding the court.
If we don't expand the court, it's pretty much game over. 20 more years of this court.
You're right, of course. But this whole "He Must Step Aside" thus causing complete convention chaos is ridiculous and should stop.
Yeah, that bit is absurd. But he seriously needs to reverse course on expansion.
He absolutely does; whether he *will* is the problem. Biden is, sadly, what we have; while he has risen to the challenge in many ways, in others, he falls short. I suspect he will never consider expanding the court, because it would never be a question before, in the past where he set his mind.
You'll need not only POTUS, but congress I think. First things first and that's November. Plus, the clown is still on the hook for his 'unofficial' acts.
I know how things work. I am saying rather clearly, I thought, that Biden has said he won't consider expanding the court. That is the first problem to be solved.
I think the difference in our approaches is that you think there's a better chance of replacing him with someone who is open to that idea and who would win in November. I think we don't know anything about who that would be, their chances but that Biden could be pushed on his position.
Swapping Biden at this point would be an unmitigated disaster. I do not like him, but people who think you can sub out an incumbent POTUS 4 months prior to the election need to be serious.
I'm not afraid of trying something like choosing a president at the convention, as has been done in the past many times. Makes a lot of click-bait and will be unavoidable for voters to face, and learn from. We have 13 circuit courts; one supreme from each, limit terms.
"Many times"...please list all the times we have replaced an incumbent POTUS via an open convention.
IIRC, the last time that happened it resulted in changing the rules so that the candidate was chosen in primaries. It was an ugly fight and left the nominee without enough time for an effective campaign.
So the question is whether we’re going to continue to grant legitimacy to these institutions even though they fail us, and the obvious answer, looking to history is: Nah.