
trump just called for liz cheney to be prosecuted for treason which, according to john roberts, is an official act and would not be subject to criminal sanction
And unlike the scenarios Biden will never do, Trump will 100% do that without shame.
Yes. It will be genuinely dangerous to be an opponent or protester under another Trump administration. He will get the bloodbath he wants.
biden should sack up and wield power
Already has -- Michael Reinoehl
Could Biden prosecute Trump for treason (since he tried to overthrow the democratically elected government), or is prosecuting your adversary only an official act if a Republican does it?
I'd say Biden should go for it. Anything Biden does as president is now an official act and immune from prosecution. If it rids the world of Trump, it's a good thing.
Treason in the U.S. is very carefully defined as requiring a declared war & actions in favor of the enemy. I think it wld be sedition. Since DOJ didn't charge it already I'm guessing they didn't feel they had the evidence to get a conviction. Or need to gather more.
Apparently not, since he was in office then and would be immune. BUT he's not in office now. So if he loses in Nov and does the exact same things, can he be prosecuted then? That would mean it's legal for POTUS but not for a candidate. Another reason it's...not good.
and if it would be somehow illegal for someone to carry out his orders to do so, well he can just pardon them
Or fire any prosecutor who attempted to investigate them because he can do literally whatever he wants to the justice department.
and with Trump the Supes will not suddenly rule Trump has no authority to order any such thing, whereas for literally anything Biden orders the Supes will say he has no authority
Today all the guardrails came off, both for executive power and somehow, somewhat contradictory, the administrative state. Crazy times ahead.
Robert's opinion means that a president ordering mass murder of political opponents--a hallmark of fascism--would be immune from prosecution in the United States.
This is the week SCOTUS jumped the shark. There is no going back without fixing this openly corrupt majority
Could Biden order Garland to prosecute Justices for corruption? That's an official act and long overdue.
If he is elected, and calls for her to be killed on sight by anyone who supports him, and she is, who goes to jail? Guess we just have to hope for impeachment!
If he were president, Trump, calling for Cheney to be killed, would be an official act because he is calling her a "traitor." Trump would have immunity. The person who killed Cheney could be tried and convicted for murder but would probably be pardoned by Trump.
And now for Dems to sit on their hands instead of using any of their new power to meaningfully oppose trump or the supreme court.
Cool and good, what a truly healthy democracy we have in the ol' USA. Not filled with any kind of dread at all.
Man if I were Biden I would be full on fucking around because I don't think anybody knows what the "find out" part is at this for presidents. Fuck around and... flourish?
Trump could simply have her shot at her home under this ruling as a matter of state security. I absolutely believe he will have protesters shot on sight if he's reelected, and dissenters arrested and detained indefinitely. Pandora's box has been opened.
In honor of Justice Thomas's recent birthday, the Court is working hard to make the "barges off GITMO" a reality.
Trump: “Hey, Attorney General Judge Jeannie, how bout you prosecute Stormy Daniels if she doesn’t retract? Prosecutions happen, Stormy. Things burn.”
He can just have her vanish without explanation
He's not President now. No it wouldn't.
I have so many questions. Seems he could send out mobs incl military to shoot down any protesters and if they do, he'd just pardon them as an official act.
Biden HAS to step aside now because he's against even considering expanding the court.
If we don't expand the court, it's pretty much game over. 20 more years of this court.
You're right, of course. But this whole "He Must Step Aside" thus causing complete convention chaos is ridiculous and should stop.
Yeah, that bit is absurd. But he seriously needs to reverse course on expansion.
He absolutely does; whether he *will* is the problem. Biden is, sadly, what we have; while he has risen to the challenge in many ways, in others, he falls short. I suspect he will never consider expanding the court, because it would never be a question before, in the past where he set his mind.
You'll need not only POTUS, but congress I think. First things first and that's November. Plus, the clown is still on the hook for his 'unofficial' acts.
I know how things work. I am saying rather clearly, I thought, that Biden has said he won't consider expanding the court. That is the first problem to be solved.
I think the difference in our approaches is that you think there's a better chance of replacing him with someone who is open to that idea and who would win in November. I think we don't know anything about who that would be, their chances but that Biden could be pushed on his position.
Without Dem control of both houses of Congress, its a moot point. Odd you'd call for someone to step down for not being behind something that isn't even possible under current conditions.
Can Biden kill Trump with impunity?
Sounds like Biden can do the funniest things right now then.
Good thing: she can afford the defense. Some would not
He did, and as subscribers we look forward to the New York Times coverage of it. Hopefully you will be writing about it!
Trump: I would like to see televised military tribunals in which my enemies like Liz Cheney are tried for treason and then put to death. New York Times Politics page 18 hours later: Democrats are in disarray!!!
He could shoot her himself on Fifth Avenue.
Only if the Supreme Court ruled that he is now the President. Which they might.