
one of trump's strokes of genius (and yes I think he is an evil genius) is just not having any written policy positions any time anyone says "so you support X" he can just say "no I don't" he does it over and over again, and the media never calls him on it
even trump’s campaign staff (i assume he didn’t write this) knows that the reactionary, authoritarian agenda that’s project 2025 is going to be unpopular with the average voter.
ironically, he writes probably more than any other candidate ever, on his own social media network but want to find exactly what he is going to do on, say, abortion? it's not written down anywhere mob boss tactics
meanwhile sane candidates like biden have actual policies on their web sites, and official party platforms, and can't just say whatever anyone wants to hear
Horrifyingly, I see *actual immigrants* supporting Trump, even though his entire campaign and personality is built on anti-immigrant xenophobia! But they can hear what they want to hear from him.
Nah fuck that he’s a dumbfuck moron and I am going to keep saying it. We need to constantly tell him and the world that we are well aware his brain is literal flaming dogshit.
Whatever policy you’re asking about, he’ll announce it in two weeks, you’ll be so happy, believe me
This is why I feel like he did so badly in the debate even though nobody is talking about it. He confirmed he's responsible for killing Roe v. Wade. He clarified that he's a full election-denying conspiracy theorist. He made sure there was no ambiguity about how he'd treat Israel.
Every single area where ambiguity was helping him and he basically went down a list and said "let me clarify why I'm worse than people might think."
And then libs shovel cash to the media for the privilege