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Music in "Break The Game" and also elsewhere

Transfem | Anti-German | Minors DNR

Cracking open a cold boy with the Ones
Come to Bluesky we have: Communists BTS fans Old people saying, "My dad killed my dog for being 'too Italian' and I turned out fine"
BTS stands for Boycott divesTment Sanctions
Whoever invented summer allergies deserves to be suffocated a little bit
"Mitch McConnell had a stroke and nobody asked HIM to step down" yeah bro maybe cause he's evil??? And not the president?
I wanna be one of those accounts where it's a hot white girl who's dubiously trans and posts mid jokes all day how do I get that rolling
The Dodgers and the Lakers might seem to have nonsensical names for LA sports teams, but consider this: Tulare Lake used to be the largest lake west of the Mississippi River, and LA used to have the best streetcar system in the country. Some day we shall return.
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Digital technology is the slow brother of witchcraft
Given that Dems keep winning the popular vote but losing the electoral college, I gotta wonder how many voters are staying home BECAUSE they don't live in a swing state. Dems might actually clean house if they abolished the electoral college
Every time a liberal hand-wrings about protests, a Nazi gets his wings
Liberals are mad at the NYT, not for its genocide apologia, not for its both-sidesing of fascism, not for its crusade of transphobia, but for pointing out that Joe Biden is old
the media, led by the Times, has done to Biden what they did to Claudine Gay at Harvard there is no way to convince the public, because the people who he needs to convince to do that (the media) are never going to tell the public that he’s fine I think dropping out is a when, not if at this point
Victor Wembanyama is a DLC character lmao
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How’s that going work for ya? Works in the pass. Not
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Between K*mala, my ex-wife, the tenant from hell, and general chumpfuckery, this has been a cromulent fuckcrustable of a day. Tommy needy drinky.
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This Bluesky has an unfortunate log in or sign-up page. I think they should change it. Reminds me of the worst person I've ever met. May I not exist for him ever again. He's a devil worshipper. Good riddance. Goodbye.
"The Economy" is a false god.
One of the most effective means of change is just doing shit and daring the PTB to do something about it
"wrecker" has gotta be the most limp-dick lib insult ever
Do the democrats realize the Supreme Court gave EVERY president immunity? As in, Biden could do the funniest thing ever immunity?
I don't wanna hear nothing out of y'all about protesters I swear to Christ
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Don't ANY of you come at me about how corrupt Nigeria is ever again. Ever.
I really wanna know who was surprised the ruling class decided they were above the law. These people diddle kids together; you think they're gonna send one of their own to prison?
Do these people know what a vice president is
The argument, such that it is, boils down to: 1. Biden steps down 2. ???? 3. Democrats win
Every day my prediction comes closer to fruition: Trump will win the election, but from prison
God Bless Paul Davies and the @PhillyInquirer: "The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump...There was only one person at the debate who does not deserve to be running for president. The sooner Trump exits the stage, the better off the country will be."
To serve his country, Donald Trump should leave the race | Editorial Boardwww.inquirer.com Biden had a horrible night Thursday. But the debate about the debate is misplaced. The only person who should withdraw from the race is Trump.
If the DNC had any will to power they'd be feeding Biden hemlock right about now
My dad was getting all despondent about the debate, and like, you wanted this??? You got everything you wanted why are you mad?
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I know Queequeg isn't a real name, but in his defense Melville probably wasn't googling "Māori boy names popular 1805 &udm=14"
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Final: Yankees 16 BlueJays 5
A liberal will sit you down and go, "I know everything sucks right now, but what if it was the same?"