
Do you remember folks were picketing Supreme Court Justices' homes a couple of years ago? They're back! At Justice Roberts' home today. Short thread with video on Twitter:
That Twitter link shows activists going to and fro in front of John Roberts' house. A few people had questions about the security. FYI, those are U.S. Marshals. An organizer talked about that and how they do what they do. link:
On Tuesday, activists picketed the house of Supreme Court Justice Roberts. Today, they visited Justice Kavanaugh's house. Picketers played audio recording during the confirmation hearings of Justices saying, "No one is above the law . . . " It's kind of a great thread:
Another post from the thread of video and images of picketers in front of Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s house today. Their actions are pure speech like law textbooks discuss. tweet:
SCOTUS has ruled that Biden can turn their houses into parking lots as part of an official infrastructure act. He should.
Interesting that there's someone up in the yard. Wonder how they got that privilege, or if they are just pushing boundaries.
Any person you see on the lawn or by the side of the house is a U.S. marshal. I'm confident protesters would be blocked if they put one foot on the grass. :)
My brother did ops for the tents company that did events (clearance bc giant pipe bombs). Two of his Hispanic guys had to pee, didn't see a porta potty, didn't want to bother anyone, stepped behind a nearby bush. ZIP! Two dudes came zinging off the roof! I don't think those guys peed for days.
Playing that audio is a nice touch.
See in NYC, you'd probably have a 50-50 chance of being arrested for using amplified sound. Depends on local ordinances. This was probably brief too. :)
Godspeed to them. I did it myself and it was one of the scariest things I’ve ever done. So many cops with guns.
I've been in quite a few situations like that. (My work used to be video-documenting policing of protest.) Even if you're sort of used to it, the adrenaline flow is very intense. Takes a while to come down. Good for you! I think it's important to make certain types of statements. Directly. 👊🏼
Good. That asshole should never have a moment of peace again.
That's great. And they don't have to worry about being gunned down in an official act at least prior to the afternoon of January 20, 2025.
Gotta love the public right of way!
The word to use when addressing these "justices" is TRAITOR
Peaceful protest certainly did a lot to fix things back then
So what's your suggestion, then? Please, be *excruciatingly* specific.
I know people got jobs but yeah, they should never leave.
Good for him. Does SCOTUS really believe that we're jyst going to sit back and take their "fuk you" bull💩?
They should be there every damn day.
I had a dream last night that a President (not Joe, just like a random dude) organized peaceful protests for obstructionists and, yknow that’s a tactic that hasn’t really been used (Barring January 6th which was never meant to BE peaceful)
Biden should withdraw all security services and federal protection. Let’s see how comfy Roberts is with declaring a purge then
Interesting to note that people can still get that close to those homes.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Clara Jeffery
So does 18 U.S.C. § 1507 apply now that the court's term is over?
You're making some big assumptions: 1) That I know what this law is. 2) That I know generally how it is applied. 3) That I might know specifically how it could vary correlated with the Court's term. What I do know is they have made a practice of walking on the sidewalk. That seems to work.
How’s that going work for ya? Works in the pass. Not
They want us to kill each other. It releases the SSI to pay down the FED, and culls a lot of people that won't need benefits, redraw the lines and new constitution. One Team two side = Fake. Just adapt an Amish lifestyle. It is the eventual outcome anyways no matter who wins for we lose.
That is a stupid waste of time. And you are participating in the coming civil war, which TPTB want. Bankers 1913 ponzi scheme was not made for a 7 billion people increase in 100 years. thus,clean food water, medication, baby boom and greater life expectancy had never happened before all at once.