
People keep referencing guillotines & gallows, but the American response to this situation has tended to range from "mob justice" to "mail bombs" For these reasons, past generations of US elites have sought to preserve at least the *illusion* of a fair system of laws. But the mask is fully off now.
What happens to societies when all legitimate, peaceful means of political accountability are rendered impotent?
The people control labor. That’s one big fucking lever.
Joe Biden interceded to break the rail strike in 2022, so I hope liberals will start to endorse wildcat strikes now
Winning elections is important. Did you not know that? A rail strike in 2022 would have given Republicans more power. I'm all for striking, but you have to be smart because while voting isn't everything that matters it's an important part.
Taking away peoples' right to withhold their labor is slavery. Doing it for strategic reasons does not make it not slavery
This is the problem with people like you on the left, thinking strategically is how you win elections/how you win power/how you help people. People like you think your moral righteousness is enough. History says otherwise.
That's fair. The rail workers could have gotten more, but at least Biden achieved Peace In Our Time