
People keep referencing guillotines & gallows, but the American response to this situation has tended to range from "mob justice" to "mail bombs" For these reasons, past generations of US elites have sought to preserve at least the *illusion* of a fair system of laws. But the mask is fully off now.
What happens to societies when all legitimate, peaceful means of political accountability are rendered impotent?
Ugh. Trump is all gristle and fat
*Angela Lansbury voice* 🎶 But you see the trouble with fascist is all of the fat's in the seat Stick with priest 🎶
Just add lots of ketchup, Kevin.
Come on now, if we gonna do as the Dutch do, there can be no ketchup. Only mayonnaise. Which seems even more apropos, given it’s mostly fat and prone to rot.
Braise him in the slow cooker then
Unfortunately, we ate him to install the ancestors of what is now the Dutch royal family. As revolutions go it was pretty much a failure.
Ja, maar de moderne monarchie heeft volgens de grondwet geen macht, dus de opstand was geen definitieve mislukking. Die man met het gigantische hoofd, Geert Wilders, vormt een groter gevaar dan de koning.
Ja, net zoals in veel andere landen zijn er gevaren voor de democratie. Gelukkig zorgt onze grondwet ook voor een coalitie en verkiezingen als de regering valt. Zeker vandaag houd ik daar maar aan vast. En bravo voor je Nederlands.
The people control labor. That’s one big fucking lever.
Joe Biden interceded to break the rail strike in 2022, so I hope liberals will start to endorse wildcat strikes now
Really weird that the leftist anti-Biden pushback on “Biden is the pro-labor president” is “but the rail workers strike” when THE RAIL WORKERS AND UNION LEADERS ARE HAPPY WITH THE DEAL THEY GOT AND CREDIT THE ADMIN WITH EVENTUALLY HELPING THEM GET PAID SICK LEAVE
Which goes back to my original point that people have power because they control labor?
Joe Biden later got them the concessions they were asking for. But wildcat strikes are also good
Winning elections is important. Did you not know that? A rail strike in 2022 would have given Republicans more power. I'm all for striking, but you have to be smart because while voting isn't everything that matters it's an important part.
Taking away peoples' right to withhold their labor is slavery. Doing it for strategic reasons does not make it not slavery
This is the problem with people like you on the left, thinking strategically is how you win elections/how you win power/how you help people. People like you think your moral righteousness is enough. History says otherwise.
That's fair. The rail workers could have gotten more, but at least Biden achieved Peace In Our Time
Tell me more about how we got the 8 hour day without killing cops
We’re talking about people, not politicians. Also, that period saw Biden’s lowest approval ratings.
My dude, we are at the point where free and fair elections are being openly subverted. What makes you think voting matters so much now?
You are not thinking clearly about how to strategize in a world where elections, justice, and the popular will have all become fully disaggregated from each other.
An understanding of how elections work in this country, which you seem to lack. Elections aren't being subverted YET. They will be if Trump wins because Schedule F plan/SCOTUS giving him unlimited power. As long the forces of democracy hold the executive branch free & fair elections will remain.
Aren’t they? What do you call Bush v Gore, then?
The exception is Georgia, Georgia is not a MAGA state but it has a GOP AG. The AG of Georgia told Trump NO when Trump told him to rig it in his favor & then the AG won re-election! The point is it's really hard to subvert an election. An executive branch with unlimited power would be enough to do it
Elections are very hard to subvert btw, because it isn't one election. Elections are decentralized. A state matter. So even if Republicans wanted to rig all the states they could, it wouldn't be enough because Democrats control the majority of the swing states AG (the office that manages elections).
Why would a rail worker vote for the guy that just blocked them from striking?
Republicans are doing fascism, but you want to help them win more power. OK. Have fun with that.
I'm sorry you don't understand that Republicans having more power is bad. It's bad, k? A rail strike in 2022 would have hurt the economy, and Republicans would have won more power in 2022 instead of the marginal power that they did.
Why would a rail worker vote for the guy that just blocked them from striking?
Asking what if we alienate the people who already hate us while you alienate your base is democratic politics 101.
Far too many people are far too vulnerable to losing shelter (and so much more) to do a general strike.
Not getting into the weeds here, rather making a general comment.
However your point is taken.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” -JFK
If I had a coherent major in college and masters school, it was how to "democratize" formerly autocratic nations who were looking to reduce corruption and establish new legal & cultural practices under the rule of fair law. None of the countries in question had anything like what is now _legal_ here
Like, they did these things, but there wasn't the gall to do it under cover of law: it was done under the table. We have a system now where it's fine for a someone to put millions on promoting a judge into office (elected or not), then after they're there, legally reward them for being a good boy.
But even then, the good boys of those nations never had the gall to just declare that their favored executives got to do whatever the hell they wanted in office without fear of lawsuit. I feel utterly embarrassed as someone who pretentiously preached democratization if this is where it led.
So many articles written about the struggles of the "legitimacy" of the Supreme Court look utterly comical in this moment. Forget how we got here: where we are, now: the overall system that the Court has outlined, is a joke. If any other nation had this system we'd call it a joke. It's plain goofy.
Also, didn't SCOTUS just kind of rule that maybe it's not THAT illegal to invade Congress and shut down the Capitol?
They tried to strip some of the charges from almost 200 people that have been charged / convicted, something about obstruction. Anyway, mostly a joke.