Erin Kane

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Erin Kane

anthropology, ballet, birds, cats, computational biomedicine, conservation, cricket, cross stitch, ecology, guenons, lifting heavy things, lung pre-cancer, orangutans, ponds, primates, program management, science, yiddish. she/her
In addition to $50 million in the run up to the t20 world cup, earmarked in part for operating expenses) the group running the US leg (not USA Cricket because they were already being sanctioned by the ICC) got an emergency $20 million cash infusion for salaries and things 😬 🏏
ICC Board seeks answers after costs spiral for US leg of T20 World Last-minute cash injection of USD $20 million causes 'outrage and alarm' among board directors
I went down to Southie before work to greet our newest visitor, a brown booby who's been hanging out with some double crested cormorants after being hassled by gulls! 🪶
Sharktivity is an app to track shark activity on the New England coast and I love this shark who folks saw from their boat off the coast of Scituate. It looks like he asked for a lift because he was really tired, they said something shocking and mean to him, and he swam away to find a nicer boat.
I got an eSim through simly this morning and sent it to eSims For Gaza and it's already been activated and in use. A really easy tangible thing you can do from your phone!
eSims For
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What a great blow has now been struck against the elites! Finally, a graduate of Yale might stride the hallways of power
Well, I hope all the people who thought Hillbilly Elegy was worth reading/making into a fancy movie are pleased with themselves.
Reposted byAvatar Erin Kane
Today she would accept cake.
the peanut butter sandwich wanter
Triceratops has had a frankly exhausting day.
the peanut butter sandwich wanter
First Sox game of the season and it's a canonically perfect day for baseball!
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Here is a jamal from Gaza. I miss Gaza before the war. I miss its simplicity and beauty. Gaza has been destroyed. Help me rebuild my life and my family.
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When you go to your home, don't forget the people of the tents
Ah good, a nice quiet Friday after work, drinking my raspberry seltzer in solitude.
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Reposted byAvatar Erin Kane
I have been studying eastern DRC since 1997. Watching the same dynamics play out again & again, harming yet another generation of innocent children while the country's leaders, neighbors, & the international community fail them is a sadness beyond words.
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I know a lot of white Americans keep calling Twitter the Nazi bar and lament people still on the app, but Twitter has been integral to the current Kenyan protests. the individualist approach of leaving and judging everyone who remains doesn't do anything.
Check this from Rolling Stone. At this point, I enjoy rap as an art form a lot, but am not heavily invested in pop culture, but I'm handing Kendrick the victory on this. He dethroned the abuser Drake successfully, & his music is inspiring Kenyan popular resistance.
How Kendrick Lamar’s ‘Not Like Us’ Helped Young Kenyans Lead a Successful Protest in Their Young Kenyans protested a proposed tax hike in their country by using a hashtag and a rap song that sampled Kendrick Lamar's 'Not Like Us.'
This juxtaposition in the Boston Globe makes me really angry.
Oh huh, I was just reading an article about how 65 people were killed in Tamil Nadu after drinking illegally home-distilled alcohol.
New: Trump-appointed Judge Mark Pittman in Texas has ruled that a 156-year-old ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional, siding with a group that advocates for legalizing the ability of people to produce spirits like whiskey and bourbon at home.
US ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional, Texas judge A federal judge in Texas has ruled that a 156-year-old ban on at-home distilling is unconstitutional, siding with a group that advocates for legalizing the ability of people to produce spirits like whiskey and bourbon for their personal consumption.
The reporting from @nhpr on abuse at the Youth Development Center (the "Youth Detention Center" as I knew it in middle school) is really, really important and worth a listen, especially if you grew up in NH. It is pretty awful that this was all happening a few blocks from my elementary school.
The Youth Development Center | New Hampshire Public Since 2020, more than 1,100 people have come forward with allegations they were abused as children at New Hampshire’s juvenile jail and other state-contracted youth facilities. It is the largest known...
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Remember the outcry from our entire political class back in October when it was reported that Israel had hit 1 hospital? They immediately screamed fake news. Now it’s 8 hospitals, and they’ve all gone silent.
“In the past nine months, Israeli troops have occupied at least eight hospitals, causing the deaths of patients and medical workers along with massive destruction to facilities and equipment.” “Only 13 of Gaza’s 36 hospitals are functioning, and those only partially…”
Heavy Israeli bombardment in Gaza City forces medical facilities to close as thousands Heavy Israeli bombardment is shaking Gaza City
Made it to work only 2 hours after I left the house (~10 minutes of walking to and from the bus stop, ~25 minutes on the actual bus) and only got yelled at by one bus driver 👍. Love living in a city with great public transportation!
I've now officially been waiting at the bus stop for one hour. In that hour, one MBTA bus has driven past me without stopping. It's 87 degrees out. I'm not going to get to work before 10 AM. This is really an unacceptable situation for a standard morning commute up Mass Ave.
I've now officially been waiting at the bus stop for one hour. In that hour, one MBTA bus has driven past me without stopping. It's 87 degrees out. I'm not going to get to work before 10 AM. This is really an unacceptable situation for a standard morning commute up Mass Ave.
Reposted byAvatar Erin Kane
'Sometimes things don't go, after all, from bad to worse' Thinking a lot about this poem today.
This is why store bought or indeed bakery-made rugelach are tasty, but not *rugelach*, which as everyone knows need to have a dense cream cheese dough as (great) Grandma Sylvie intended.
And this is ALL Jewish food. Cause we never stayed anywhere for long all our recipes are hand-me-downs. We have dishes that share the same name but you'll never find anyone doing it any way but the one they learned from their mom or grandma and it'll all depend on where they fled from and fled to.