
so hey question: where's he getting counterfeit bills
As a side note, this is John McEntee, Trump's Director of White House Personnel and the primary architect of Project 2025. On Tik Tok he said he gives counterfeit bills to homeless people so they will be arrested when they go to spend them.
Good question. Also now whenever I hear of cops getting called over counterfeit bills, I think about George Floyd. This shit won't just get people arrested, it could get them killed.
>It could get them killed. I suspect that's the intention.
Yeah, I wondered if this landed different in Minneapolis (not that people in other cities should be fine with it, but I also immediately thought of George Floyd.)
And how we’ve still never heard whether or not the bill he used was actually counterfeit. The impetus for the call that set all these events in motion, and we don’t know the truth of that one thing.
Seems bad that the Secret Service isn’t addressing pretty obvious felony counterfeiting, no?
He claims it’s “movie money” or prop copies in the video so it would be obvious it was fake to anyone who actually looked at it. Tbh i figure this is just more “say something outrageous to own the libs and get eyes on my horrible conservatives dating app”.
Yeah, he's admitting to a felony, if he's also said he intended them to be used as currency.
Better question: how do we send this video to the Secret Service so THEY can ask him that question?
That was my first question as well.
I think this is more rage farming for attention. But still would require a visit and possible search of his properties for counterfeit bills by the US Secret service. and probably removal of the video and a follow up apology but ANGH
Yeah, he is confessing to a federal crime here
When you’re a star they let you do it, you can do anything