Catherine Fletcher

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Catherine Fletcher

Writing history, usually in Manchester, when possible in Italy. THE ROADS TO ROME: A HISTORY now out in the UK - US edition coming Dec 24. Next up: early modern guns.
Todays FREE weekly history article from me includes news from my articles and a look at’s amazing new book: with a piece on how Roman roads impacted the fighting in Italy in 1944 #WW2
Free Weekly Spies, Nazis, football history and puritan sex
New essay from me on how I came to write The Roads to Rome, at Unseen Histories:
One of my favourite images of Rome is this painting of the Via Appia by William Crosbie, now in the @hunterian. Sadly we had to leave it out of the book because we couldn't track down the rights holder, but isn't it gorgeous?
Are you concerned that you're not thinking enough about Ancient Rome? Don't worry, my new book will give you LOTS of things to think about.
I had gone several minutes without thinking about Ancient Rome. Thank you
My new book, The Roads to Rome, is out today! Here's a thread with a few highlights of what's inside.
One month to publication and it's great to see a finished copy of The Roads To Rome.
Back to the studio today for the final full day recording The Roads To Rome. Only a few tricky pronunciations left now! Out on 13 June: pre-order here: #skystorians #audiobook
Cover reveal for HUMANS: A MONSTROUS HISTORY! Pre-orders available this fall; publication in Feb 2025. Sign up to this newsletter for pre-order news and giveaways, tour dates, and pub date news! Please share w/ friends! 🗃 #histsci #earlymodern #authors
Cover reveal! Humans: A Monstrous The book is in production! - and some essays I published, plus some museum recommendations.
A very important announcement! A not-to-be-missed opportunity to read about the Indigenous Americans who discovered Europe for LESS THAN A POUND. 🗃️ #histbookchat 💙📚 Thank you 😊.
Hi, I've just noticed On Savage Shores is 99p on Google Books. (Yes I have bought it.)
I quite like the idea that The Prince is Machiavelli's YA book, and that adults read the Discourses on Livy (and watch the plays).
People keep warning me about the ‘young people these days’, but now I’m really worried.
Trying hard to do some environmentally-friendly slow research travel during my sabbatical and the 3.5 hour delay between Manchester and London today is... not a good start.
I’ll be joining & other excellent historians in this annual ‘Take Your Research Public’ with . It’s a fantastic way to learn about working in the creative industries , the #GLAM sector, & much more.
Delighted to be back with TAKE YOUR RESEARCH PUBLIC 2024 - a very practical introduction to bringing historical research (broadly defined) to wider publics. Speakers from History Today, You're Dead to Me, Bad Ancient and beyond. Application deadline 26/4 #skystorians
Take Your Research Public June-July 2024: Save the Date! Join experts from MCPHH and beyond on a practical course to develop your academic historical work into formats suitable for wider publics.Led by Professor Catherine Fletcher, this free five-session co...
At the risk of seeming a bit big for my britches, I wrote a newsletter with advice about pitching Drafting the Past (that might be useful for pitching other shows, too). As a bonus, you'll learn why I've been side-eyeing freelance book publicists:
Advice on pitching Drafting the This is sometimes what my inbox feels like. Perhaps naively, when I first launched the Drafting the Past podcast, it didn't occur to me that people might...
Walking in the Lakes and would like to know if there were always loads of daffodils or if it's a post-Wordsworth invented tradition.
Love these Roman mosaic ducks from Santa Maria in Trastevere.
Just three months until THE ROADS TO ROME hits bookshops. Very grateful for all the kind comments already coming through: 'erudite, entertaining and infinitely readable,' says Helena Attlee. Pre-order your copy here:
The Roads To Brimming with life and drama, this is the first book to explore two thousand years of European history through one the greatest imperial networks ever built ‘erudite, entertaining and infinitel...
On 28-29 November 2024, join us in Nicosia, Cyprus for the 2024 Society for the History of War conference on "Legacies of War and Violence". The deadline for paper and panel proposals is 30 June. The CfP can be found here: #SHoW2024
See also the recent curatorial posts at the British Museum.
The BL should be shamed for offering this salary for a full curator IN LONDON. I am aware that this is the going rate for curatorial positions in the UK. And it’s impossible for anyone without family wealth.
The BL should be shamed for offering this salary for a full curator IN LONDON. I am aware that this is the going rate for curatorial positions in the UK. And it’s impossible for anyone without family wealth.
For those of you wondering about Free Thinking after last week's Radio 3 announcement, it's now confirmed that it's moving to a single live edition each week, Fridays at 9pm.
BBC Radio 4 announces refreshed schedule this Spring and raft of new The revamped schedule has been designed to give audiences what they want most, when they want it
For those of you wondering about Free Thinking after last week's Radio 3 announcement, it's now confirmed that it's moving to a single live edition each week, Fridays at 9pm.
BBC Radio 4 announces refreshed schedule this Spring and raft of new The revamped schedule has been designed to give audiences what they want most, when they want it
I wrote about the British Library Fantasy exhibition co-curated by & (closes Feb 25). Get up close to Beowulf, the notebooks of Ursula K. Le Guin &, and more. #Fantasy #Books