sound+fury 🇪🇺🇺🇦 🐉

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sound+fury 🇪🇺🇺🇦 🐉

Active travel, planning, politics, waffle. Whatever I find interesting. #mentalhealth Typos. Attempts at humour. WYSIWYG. (Avatar: Shaun Meintjes on Unsplash. Banner photo: mine.) Pronouns? For me, just my handle, please. Will respect yours, of course.
Way back, in my university days, I took a course on Criminology and Penology. I was taught by the great Andrew Ashworth and Roger Hood. It was eye-opening. The studies we looked at did not suggest that tougher sentences had the deterrent effect I had assumed they would. /6
Sunak has conceded the election and rung Keir Starmer to congratulate him.
Not quite sure why I'm still up but this is oddly compelling stuff. GE results rolling in now.
This is where I have a small, boring bit of advice, from my time managing a customer contact centre for a central government department: write letters to your MP asking them to raise issues with secretaries of state; make the letters unique, not copy-and-paste campaigns; be direct, not cranky.
So how do we stand up and make a government take notice? Writing to your MP? I mean… It’s nice when they reply but it feels ineffectual. Mass mobilisation? Cool story bro, but unlikely. No revolts please, we’re British. How do we become the prick it’s hard to kick against? I’ve no idea. -11
So, I think when my editor asked me to do a long list of Tory policy screw ups since 2010, he was expecting something funny? The reality was... not particularly funny.
An (incomplete) list of every terrible policy the Conservatives have inflicted on Britain since 2010 | Jonn Readers, brace yourselves, says the writer Jonn Elledge
As a kid there was a pleasingly cantankerous retired architect in our village, who bought me rejected chocolates from Rowntrees. He never mentioned the war. Why would he? Years later we learned he'd been first up at D-Day. I'll never forget the chat I had with him about it. So this makes me happy.
Patient is honoured with D-Day medal at Malton The Fitzwilliam Ward at Malton Hospital recently hosted one of their patients as he was presented with the Legion D’honneur medal for his involvement in the D-Day landings.
The US Supreme Court decision shows starkly why party political appointments to court as significant as that are so flawed and why the US **badly** needs to move towards an independent structure. Decisions need to made on law and law alone, not on personal political bias.
Apropos my last, I've always thought that Michael Rosen poem should be spoken not half sung, but perhaps I'm on my own in that opinion?
We’re going on a Truss hunt! We’re going to catch a PM! What a beautiful day. We’re not scared! Oh no! Labour! Keir Starmer’s Labour! We can’t go over them. We can’t go under them. We’ll have to go through them! “Cautious cautious, Cautious cautious...”
Going on a Truss hunt | Robert Hutton | The Critic We’re going on a Truss hunt! We’re going to catch a PM! What a beautiful day. We’re not scared! Oh no! Labour! Keir Starmer’s Labour! We can’t go over them. We can’t go under them. We’ll have to go…
Seriously, fellow British peeps, go and vote on the 4th. Don't take it for granted that the Labour landslide victory is a done deal and your vote doesn't matter. Brexit was such a catastrofuck because half the people who had a right to vote on it couldn't be arsed because OBVIOUSLY it was done deal.
please father, i am starving, do not leave me here with my ENTIRELY FULL FOOD DISH, as you can see, i might starve
If you see this you have to post a picture from your phone but dont explain it
Beware of the book festivals! (My latest Guardian Books cartoon)
Remember to give yourself a break from social if you’re feeling overwhelmed. There’s a lot happening right now, and sometimes it helps to connect with people over it, and sometimes it doesn’t. Always prioritize your well being!
LRP By the way, photo no 45 is quite something. (As are they all, really.)
A good juxtaposition on my timeline just now. The reason I want the UK to rejoin the EU is not that the EU is perfect. The reason I’m voting Labour is not that Labour is perfect. The search for perfection will destroy you. Things not getting even worse is a win.
So, why is it that the ice cream/lolly choice in newsagents is so limited now? A red berry Solero, for example, is almost like hen's teeth.
Can't we just accept that ChatGPT is not worth our time and be done with it? Please?
We are living in the dumbest timeline.
There can never be dignity in destitution.