
i'll make this very simple you dumb motherfucker. i hate republicans. and i hate a lot of democrats, *because they prefer republicans to anything to their left*.
the fascist ideas the republicans had for the border and immigration and asylum don't become Good, Actually just because joe biden adopted them and then got huffy republicans wouldn't vote for "democrats give them everything they wanted".
bill clinton's three strikes, "ending welfare as we know it", and so many other republican wet dreams, stuff even reagan couldn't pull off, wasn't good because a democrat was doing it now. obama letting the banks go untouched wasn't good because a democrat was doing it now.
i hate the republicans. but the problem fucking is, the nominal party that should be on *my* side, in no uncertain terms, *often prefers republican policy and ideas* to anything to their left. i'm not calling for a Strong Republican Party. i think they should be utterly fucking crushed.
you know who *does* call for a strong republican party? who still relishes the idea of 'bipartisanship' with a bunch of mask off christofascists? joe biden. nancy pelosi. chuck schumer. and so many more.
lemme give you a clear cut fucking example of how much democrats fucking suck about this. 2018. not ancient history. this is long after gingrich and republicans blocking anything obama wanted. dems should know better. a republican named Fred Upton was running for re-election in michigan.
in this situation, the democrats should be balls to the wall. they not only know republicans are never going to work with them - or they SHOULD know that - but michigan is a swing state that they need to keep in their favor for the future. you know what joe fucking biden does in 2018?
"why don't you attack the republicans????" why don't the democrats stop *helping* the republicans.
The Democrats need a party to their right because without one it's obvious that they're (economically) a center-right party
The test is simple: is it easier to imagine the Democrats supporting nationalization, or privatization? Any industry. Doesn't matter.
Even a marginally better run party would have destroyed the Republican Party on 1/7! They couldn't even tip the layup in!
and later called off witnesses for impeachment hearings in part because chris coons had valentine's plans! cowardly AND lazy shit!