Alex Larder

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Alex Larder

Your name is ALEX LARDER. You are way too into VOLTRON, WEIRD ANIMALS, HAIR DYE, and BAD PUNS. You are VERY FRIENDLY and have TOO MANY TATTOOS. On what was once a BIRD WEBSITE you went by @ALEXLARDER (because you are CREATIVE WITH NAMES) or @BROOKESTARDUS
Hello Bluesky, it has been a while. I was cat sitting for a pal and he will discover once more that no white board is safe when I am around
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it was me, DIO, making your omelet! *MENACING*
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when you’re a kaiju at work and you dissociate for a sec
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Reposted byAvatar Alex Larder
another 2021 sheith sketch, now prekerb flavored #sheith #myart
The work event in Atlanta the other week had a 90s theme night. I may be bad at corporate America but by golly I love me a theme! One of my coworkers noted that “90’s Alex is just Alex with a beanie. You live old grunge” and honestly she isn’t wrong…
Hello Sheith pals! Just in case you missed it, the contributor applications for the Prismic Energy Sheith Zine have a few days left! I happen to be working with this lovely team and we’d love to see you there! :)
I liked this sculpture I saw today
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hello friends! don't forget to hydrate, eat, stretch, take your meds/supplements, and write whatever the heck you feel like, in exactly the way it pleases you to write it.
I was able to go to the puppet museum and there were some great doodles in the exhibits!
I really liked this car we found in Atlanta during a work conference last week! :)
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Time for some Sheith spam in the art department! #takashishirogan #shiro #vld (not sure if hashtags are a thing here buuuuttt) lol
I’m having fun posting art on Bluesky - sorry it’s all ancient ahaha
Speaking of cyberpunk edgerunners, I’ve done a few doodles for it which I was pleased with!
I started working on a series of busts a little while ago. I really had fun with chun li and purrah! I plan to make my cyberpunk best girl Lucy next :)
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・ 。 🍎∴。 * ・゚ *。🍑・ ・ *゚。   * ・ ゚ *。・゚🍊。 🍇・。°*. ゚ *  ゚。·*・。 ゚ * ゚ *.。🍋。🍒・ * 🍐 。・゚*.。 * 🍑 ・゚ 。* 。 ・ ゚🍉 。
It has come to my attention that bluesky uses tags similar to the twits which means I could potentially use said tags to try to find my sheith / #sheith pals. Perhaps I can woo them with my doodled offerings. (I really love Voltron, guys.)
I also did that colour wheel thing the kids all did the other month and it was a lot of fun! I’m still proud of my Garfield
Hello friends! My name is Alex Larder and I am minutes new to Bluesky but I am excited to meet you all again! I like to doodle and sometimes share those doodles. :) Perhaps this can be the place I share them? Time will tell
End of feed.