
That's part of the attack. It's intended to destroy hope
Already feels bad, like the Trump years did, when there was no way to escape knowing horrible new things multiple times a day
Unfortunately, as is now being borne out daily, Democratic Party officials and journalism outlets did not spend so much as a single moment actually listening to the warnings of disinformation experts and researchers of the far right
Like has the Democratic Party come up with any kind of official, meaningful response to Project 2025?
What do you want them to do? Actual D lawyering can’t start unless Trump wins & Rs start start implementing/codifying stuff, if Rs have the House. There are likely strategy discussions abt that. But how is “here’s our D plan to fight your R plan, if we lose” a campaign message?
It would show us that they're thinking about it
They did not even have a PR plan for the day Chevron was taken away. And presidential immunity. And Roe. They have no plans other than fundraising.
Yeah the Roe thing was godawful. A horror show
Imagine a nimble, prepared Party leadership with contingency plans, PR strategies, coordinated social media blitzes, substantive interviews, and smart ads!
They didn't even have a plan for the world's oldest president being 4 years older. At least W. Bush's handlers put him on TV every day so when he got to the debates his gibberish sounded familiar.
"Fixing stuff is somebody else's job. We're here to raise money on the problems. More problems ==> more fundraising. God bless America!"--the Democratic Party
If I were a member of the Old Guard or a vampire or some other immortal killing machine, my list would be long and thorough. If I were POTUS, I’d start testing the bounds of immunity and unleash full powers on a more refined list.
It is an event horizon in American politics and it isn’t possible to plan for. There is no plan that will work within the bounds of what any activist and legal organizations have ever done when fascists have captured the courts and the White House.
Yeah well this whole playing directly into the hands of the baddies thing isn't going so well either so why not try something else for a bit
One of the things I've loved about the way Pritzker has governed in Illinois is that he's been unabashedly liberal. His social media feeds are full of just blatant statements about LGBTQ+ rights, unions, abortion access, voting rights. I'm not talking about who should be president or not -
I'm talking about being willing to just stand up and say "Fuck yeah, I believe in this, and I'm going to keep saying I believe in it and govern that way." I don't know the right approach to countering Project 20fascism25, but part of it is not being afraid, ffs. We're not weak because we believe
these things. We're stronger than you fuckers because of the way we govern, and if you don't like it, well, sucks to be you. And you know what? The results back it up. How about a Democratic Party full of people who do that?
Having the "inaction in the face of oppression aids the oppressor" quote running through my head on a Mobius strip in my head lately for some reason.
I’m leaning towards the combination of anarchist cookbook, red Dawn, and the machine shop seen in the movie nobody. I’m going worst case scenario.
If your politics is purely reactive, yes.
fascists don’t get dethroned with clever lawsuits pointing out that the things they’re doing are illegal. the only remedy after they take power is death, and for obvious reasons the ACLU isn’t going to be organizing that
Why are we talking strictly about lawyers when the original conversation was about Democratic Party officials? And aside from that, lawyers can be proactive; think of Jonathan Mitchell as the SG in Texas
Yeah, by D lawyering I meant also legislative strategies bc that is what national D party does. And it will depend on House breakdown, etc. How civil society wld try to resist is a different subject. I really was just addressing that one pretty narrow point.
“Why won’t someone else come up with a magic solution that makes me feel like bad things can’t happen?” is not politics it’s therapy. Bad things can happen and it is possible to lose righteous fights. If we do not win in November, we lose. Vote.
Wait, no one suggested that planning in advance was a substitute for voting either. I’m not really sure what you’re arguing against. You’re all over the place.
Okay then so take the original question yourself: what plan to fight Project 2025 should Ds be announcing rn?
They have a plan and it is called winning in November. If we do not win in November, we lose. Elections have consequences.
Looks at Bolivia and wonders how people like you exist.
You don’t start a political project when you’ve won. You spend decades planning it and then you use a terror attack or an upset electoral win to pass it all hastily before anyone knows what’s in it, in the 30 days any D president has to accomplish everything he’s going to.
They aren't. They are using it as a marketing gimmick in an attempt to scare people into voting for them. It won't work. Look for "Agenda 47" to be added to it now that Biden is slipping hard in the polls.
I honestly don’t know what to say to you if you think it’s possible they’re not. The project is a *900-page* white paper. Until a Trump cabinet is named, until Ds have a read on which things his admin was moving, & how, talking publicly abt their likely “response” is unhelpfully guessing out loud.
Please. I've warned about this exact thing for years. I named the groups and networks and financiers, I explained their plans and intentions, I wrote article after article on it starting well before 2022. There was ample warning
The January 6th coup attempt and its preceding actions were not a formally published and legally approved plan either, but it happened and nearly succeeded.
Yeah and they were very loud about their discussions for it and it was obviously a fraud and everyone serious ignored it.
Yes! It was totally obvious what was coming! I was mortified trying to tell people about what was obviously coming and them looking at me like some weird panicking person! And, then, well...
It is so so frustrating. 'No they would never change settled law'. There goes all agreed upon freedoms.
But this is all such a shock, we need to give Democrats several years to recover.
maybe they should try some fundraising for a change!
I have a low blocking threshold and blocked that poster on the grounds of [checks long list of reasons] wordiness and fake expertise and being worse than useless
Your loss. If you don't know who she is, you haven't been paying attention.
And pls I have a grad degree in Russian history. I began trawling Russian news sites in the summer of 2015 for info on Trump’s real estate projects there. I’ve followed you for a long time, I know your bona fides. I’m not attacking you, I am disagreeing with you abt a specific point here.
They started writing that shit in 2022. There's no excuse.
we have lots of examples of Dems being caught utterly flat footed. Dobbs decision, Biden turning into a walking corpse in office. why do you just assume they are on top of this?