bryan newbold

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bryan newbold

dweb, cycling, snow, big cities, wiki. I like speculating about found objects.
protocol engineer formerly
elsewhere: / @[email protected]
this paper is a good intro and has a big fancy diagram
sure! you could even use the "hidden" hashtags (not in the text of post) if you had a custom client. you could have variant feeds per tag: trending, top, latest hashtag search could even get you most of the way there?
some others that play with sorting are "Catch Up" (top likes in part 24hr), "My Bangers" (your top liked posts), and the pin feed (can't remember what it is called)
we have an extra rotation key injected for all the accounts we host, as an offline backup. in case of catastrophic PDS data loss or compromise. we'd consider this a good practice for most PDS hosts!
if you want higher priority than bsky, should put any personal or other-arrangement keys ahead of both of those
Avatar lol had not noticed the banner image until just now
finally on the choo choo to Vancouver for #IETF120 and!
you are mostly correct in that we juggle a bunch of roles, but moderation is an exception and there is a dedicated team that does just that
lol I kind of feel the same way. trying to find time to put together cookbook examples in a couple different programming languages and fearing it is going to be dependency hell
Reposted byAvatar bryan newbold
Out of curiosity I created "Ratio" feed. Its content will not shock you.
that seems workable! don't *love* putting cyphertext in public repos, but could be a pragmatic thing for now. similar to git. we are working on personal state, to generalize and replace current prefs API, and that would be another place to persist possibly-encrypted app state
just at a bare minimum of all this would be really cool to see PLC ops, key management, and signing implemented independently in another programming language!!
Bluesky still hosts most accounts, but there are hundreds of federated PDS instances in the network already. if there were 100 servers each with 1% of the network it would feel and operate the same as today
we aren't doing the same thing as fedi in that we (mostly) don't tie moderation policy to hosting. we unbundled that in to the labeler / mod service concept. this architecture has different power dynamics and will likely have different social/community outcomes (good and bad)
Reposted byAvatar bryan newbold
Reposted byAvatar bryan newbold
Sunflower sunset, at Nova Lux.
yeah, in the case of a deletion the expectation is that it is "permanent-ish" and downstream services will wipe. "undeleting" is basically the same as creating a new account and importing all the old account, which is computationally intensive for downstream services, but possible
you'd probably get a "too big" commit on the firehose, and need to do an out-of-band thing to fetch the entire repo CAR file and process all the records. could be millions! many indices/services might just not bother
makes sense! it is a bit of a soup of acronyms and encodings-wrapped-in-encodings (CIDs, CAR, etc) there are parts where complexity is warranted (eg, MST tree) and SDKs should help, but at least personally I want it feel fun and approachable to implement from scratch
sorry you had that experience! the concatenated CBOR in stream frames is a big wart to me, would like to change that to make implementations easier. binary formats are to make authenticated/signed sync more robust. would you have used a Java atproto SDK if one had been available?
we are thinking of adding a JSON-over-WebSockets variant of the event stream to make it easier to work with for folks who are not trying to fully replicate repositories (and verify signatures, etc)
we've had some thoughts around that for a long time, haven't shipped it yet. robots.txt is a funky voluntary thing but that fuzziness has been fairly successful. we'd like to at least allow folks to opt-out of things like long-term archiving/preservation
the tension is that we want to strongly maintain the norm that public content is "manifestly public" and that every possible re-use doesn't require permission or negotiation. this is more like the web, and in contrast to the ActivityPub ecosystem, which has strongly leaned in the opt-in direction
which is a consistent and valid approach! there are many valid social use cases for both a public-broadcast-norm system and for a granular-visibility-norm system. it is pretty important to be clear about what the norm and expectations are though
for folks that *do* process identity events, they should be treated as a cache-purge notification, and they should re-resolve the identity. the identity event itself isn't trustworthy (unless you control the service which emitted the event) or authoritative
the same service could also keep track of known did:web identities and do periodic polling. having some centralization around such a service would help keep polling traffic low while also updating caches rapidly through a larger group of subscribers
we are loosely planning on adding some helpers to the PLC directory to make it easier to maintain a replica. not sure if that will be full-on certificate transparency, simple JSON websocket, or an atproto CBOR websocket stream (PLC is atproto adjacent but doesn't use "XRPC" currently)
another option would be a bridge service which polls PLC and outputs a repo stream with just '#identity' events, possibly after verifying the PLC op chain. or just have the Relay play this roll!