Romancing the Vote

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Romancing the Vote

Romancing the Vote, coming to save a democracy near you July 1st - 5th. (We run an auction to raise money for voting access, because voter suppression is BAD.) Run by Courtney Milan & Kit Rocha email: romancingrunoff @ gmail
Packing up our first batch of stickers. Today feels like a good day.
I did print ALL of the labels for the sticker/magnet people today though (at least everyone who gave us their address!) so this will be my task this weekend as I watch ALL THE TV
When all is said and done, we're going to have raised just about a QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS for voting rights together. I know the discourse/news cycle is bleak, but I want to remind you again how much you've helped over the past two weeks.
At the start of this auction, donations were made in honor of a very fine dog. And it turns out, those were yet another boost that, combined with everything else, was necessary to squeak us over the finish line.
Thanks for helping us get to the top.
OH MY GOD Y'ALL!!!! WE DID IT!!!! Truly unbelievably grateful and emotional to see this number. This may be the best "How it Started, How It's Going" of my life. Thank you, y'all, for helping us make this happen. Under no circumstances should you fuck with romancelandia.
update on the status of the DoomJoy spreadsheet: well, we got over 1,000,000 at something! don't worry, we're professionals. 🤣
Did you think the updates were over?? Thanks to folks rounding up and our second chance winners, we're now at $975,000! We are so close... 👀😍
ok but yes it is. lol it's actually the only good kind. beef perky jerky is inferior. LOL
The ActBlue page total has officially crossed $950,000!!! And y'all aren't even done paying yet. I can't wait to see how high we can make it go on Monday when we start making our 2nd Chance offers!!! $1,000,000 is within our grasp. 💗
$5k zoomed by just like that! $180,000 raised AND COUNTING! 6 minutes to betray everyone you love: http://auction.roman...
With just over 15 minutes to go, we have reached the lifetime total of $950,000!!!! Are we going to reach $1,000,000 this year? I'm starting to think MAYBE? http://auction.roman...
Wheee, we broke $170,000! That next Very Specific Milestone is so close now! Keep bidding at http://auction.roman... Or join us over on the bidfeed livestream:
I was going to wait, but since I've got the livestream up and running, I figured I'd share the fun. Head over to youtube and you, too, can watch the bidstream live as the knives come out and the friendships are shattered. Less than 3 hours to go!
Ahhhhh, the bidding is getting mean out there, but you've managed to push us over the line to $160,000! Bree is currently working on a plan to get a livestream of the bidfeed up for the final hour, so stay tuned to enjoy the chaos with us! http://auction.roman...
Our new Very Specific Goal will bring Romancing the Vote to the absolutely mind-boggling lifetime total of $950,000 Game on, auction snipers.
!!!! Y'all, another VERY SPECIFIC MILESTONE has been smashed! Romancing the Vote's lifetime total has now reached $925,000!!! Thank you. You rock. New goal unlocks tomorrow! For now, plot your endgame. http://auction.roman...
maybe you have not seen our sticker, Trick
Official thanks & celebration from the Romancing the Vote Interns! $150,000 is an *amazing* way to celebrate the 4th of July this year. They insisted on making this sign themselves, because you all have earned it. http://auction.roman...
Some very special (and short) Romancing the Vote Interns have created a special thank you for when we hit $150k! I wasn't sure we'd use it tonight but now I'm thinking I better make sure I have a $150k graphic!
I'm very proud of this prediction. It's almost like I'm psychic, if psychic means "being able to draw a best fit line."
This is what the bidfeed looks like when you of you is testing someone else's proxy. LOL
Y'all, I hadn't even made this image yet!!! But WOOHOO, we are at $140,000 raised this year! To celebrate, I stealth launched a few more wonderful autographed books into the BIN category! http://auction.roman...
Good morning! After taking into account the additional money folks have already pre-donated on ActBlue, we have set our next Extremely Specific Milestone! 90.9% to $925,000 total raised! Also Courtney is releasing BINs chaotically now too! LOL http://auction.roman...
Crap, I was being superstitious last night and only made through $130k! And of course now we've zoomed right past it. <3 Y'all are amazing. Tomorrow we will have some new Very Specific Goals that take into account extra donations on ActBlue! http://auction.roman...