Romancing the Vote

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Romancing the Vote

Romancing the Vote, coming to save a democracy near you July 1st - 5th. (We run an auction to raise money for voting access, because voter suppression is BAD.) Run by Courtney Milan & Kit Rocha email: romancingrunoff @ gmail
The kraken from is absolutely amazing! I love it so much and must build a shelf for it and perhaps a nest and some fish or something?
Monday update! We will be sending out more emails tonight! We are asking folks to either pay by the end of Wednesday (7/17) or at least contact us to let us know what is going on. After that, we'll send default notifications to those winners & their donors. Out of 3,272 items, only 43 are left!
Those 43 items belong to 23 winners. If you are one of them and you haven't gotten any emails from us, this is definitely panic time. Please reach out! But since this is only 1.3% of all items... well done, y'all. You KILLED it!
Of the 98.7% of invoices already paid... the total amount invoiced was $183,750. Y'all rounded that up to $194,156 while paying, which is PRETTY AWESOME. You also offered & accepted $46,229 worth of 2nd chance offers!
We have a few more last minute 2nd Chance offers to go out, and we are still collecting those to send to the donors. We're hoping to get as much as we can wrapped up by the end of this week! Y'all have been amazing, truly. Our total (not counting outside donations) is now $240,385. DAMN!
We have also gotten a couple very happy emails from VoteRiders, so I want you to know that your contributions have been received, and felt, and the money you've sent to them will make sure vital work can be done to help get people to the ballot box. It matters more every day. 💖
I was going to say, I thought I recognized that teal envelope!
eeeeeee the first wave of packages arrived!
Timeline cleanse: first of my quiltlets reached its new home today, and is modeled here by Mutiny:
Yeah, we try to respect the fact that everyone is busy, and many of our donors are authors on a deadline and sometimes it's hard to get shit together! Patience is good. 💗 We will track things down in the end one way or another! We have a pretty high success rate overall!
I would make sure you've checked all junk/spam and then sit tight, because we're not expecting folks to work over weekends and sometimes it takes a minute! But if you don't hear by the end of this week, drop us an email.
I mean I probably used up my lifetime supply of ! in emails over the past few weeks. We're all a little awkward, but we raised a lot of money! 💖
That moment when you write your last thank you note and you seal up your last envelope for and you realize that what you said on all of them was awkward AF. YAY.
We might do one little micro-fundraiser once I'm done mailing out the main stuff!
Oooooh, so cool!!! This is one that I got the audiobook for after looking at it on the auction site, because it sounds absolutely fascinating!
One of my BINs arrived today: _A Brief History Of Time Keeping_, I am excited! (Pictures of random clocks in our library)
Packing up our first batch of stickers. Today feels like a good day.
I did print ALL of the labels for the sticker/magnet people today though (at least everyone who gave us their address!) so this will be my task this weekend as I watch ALL THE TV
Hey, y'all! We are going to take a weekend off from sending updates to let our very awesome but also tired spreadsheet & email heroes rest while we wait for a few more payments to come in! Next week we will be trying to wrap up all auction items by Friday, and with Second Chance shortly after it.
Reminder that one of my favorite parts every year is when you send us pictures of your goodies when they arrive, so please be generous with them this year and tag us! 💖
USPS felt a great disturbance in the force...
if you won a item from me and have not arranged local delivery, your books are in this picture!
A few more notes tonight! Out of over 1100 people, we only have 30 left who have not paid! (And some of those we've communicated with & know they will be soon!) Y'all are doing AMAZING! We've also had almost $50,000 in Second Chance money come in, which is absolutely how we broke $1,000,000 💗
When all is said and done, we're going to have raised just about a QUARTER OF A MILLION DOLLARS for voting rights together. I know the discourse/news cycle is bleak, but I want to remind you again how much you've helped over the past two weeks.
Tomorrow evening, we'll be sending out a fresh wave of emails and updates! Thank you for your patience as we work through this AMAZINGLY COMPLICATED task! But to be this closed to finished not even a week after the auction ends is truly a group effort. Thanks, y'all.
Update for y'all! We are still doing slow confirmations as payments come in each night. We will be sending those out as they are confirmed! We're also getting ready (general, not tonight!) to start going through the Second Chance offers! These were a little slower b/c we needed two confirmations!
We're still processing these! They will be about a week behind.
Okay! Everyone out there should have received at least one email from us! Please check any spam/junk/promotion tabs you have, and if you can't find it? You now have permission to panic!
Hey y'all! Please don't panic if we haven't sent you bidder emails yet!!! "wednesday" for us is the wednesday of two people with full time jobs and two people with books (over)due and we coordinate our collective time off somewhere in the late witching hours. 💗 I will post when it's time to panic!
I know that this is a somewhat mysterious process, but I assure you we are like MILES ahead of where we were at this point in 2022! Almost 90% of you already have emails and it took us 2 weeks to get there last year. (And we had collected zero addresses for folks, too!)
And don't feel bad if you sent an email, I wouldn't be posting this if only one of you had sent an email. lol But! Our inbox filling up makes it harder for us to navigate through it to get the emails up, so please if you can, unless it's VERY VERY urgent, be patient with us!