Simon Ferrigno

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Simon Ferrigno

Dad. Writer, editor, researcher. Sustainability, especially cotton. Some history. Long 'sanity' project "The Charge of the Lightweight Brigade", a satire on the idiots of Brexit ('C’est magnifique, mais ce n’est pas la guerre: c'est de la folie') #FBPE
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My 10 year old has retired to bed giggling over a collection of Gary Larson cartoons... another unexpected milestone...
My guess is, it's Lord Lucan shacked up with Elvis
He doesn't want unity, he wants to pretend he never stoked up any hate or engaged in any illegal acts and get the sympathy vote he doesn't deserve
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Chris does what now?!
Putin's bagmen
It’s the fascist international 2.0 and it’s public and coming to try to end American democracy. Trump is signaling the axis of transnational fascism is awaiting him and the republicans with open arms. This is such a massive threat it’s really hard to describe.
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Domestic violence goes up when England play football, win or lose. 24 hour domestic abuse helpline: 0808 2000 247
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in some ways the problem with google maps is a preview of how shitty increasing driving automation is going to make things. You can read what I wrote about it, if you want.
One of the most impactful and infuriating algorithms in our lives is the routing algorithm on Google Maps. With 80% market share, it offers us very little control over our routes. If we want better, we will need to support competition like OpenStreetMaps. My latest for NYT Opinion (gift link):
Opinion | Your Driving App Is Leading You Programmed to find the fastest route without consideration of literally anything else, driving apps endanger and infuriate us on a remarkably regular basis.
The story Waze tells about problems with autonomous Photo by Mitchell Luo on Unsplash I’m not alone in complaining about ubiquitous GPS navigation. Google Maps and Waze (in particular) are causing changes in...
Current view from the kitchen door. I do live in Derby, but am enjoying the rewilded woodland effect. There are fruit trees and bushes around too, and a veg plot. A BBQ, and seating areas, and my daughter has a den all the way at the back
BBC still don't get what was just averted here. And until they do, they will probably continue to big up the UKs own fascists in Toryform
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Reposted byAvatar Simon Ferrigno
Hey guys; vote plz. K thks
Tories + reform have 38% of the vote. They have dark money think tanks. Big Oil. Russia. Disinformation. They will continue to seek to undermine democracy and liberal values.
Sobering that tory + reform is still 38% or so of the vote, more than Labour (34% so far). Under PR would require a Labour LD Green coalition government (54%). Per BBC results so far. I support PR, but what the hell is wrong with people voting for hate?
UK election results 2024 | Constituency Get the latest news and election results in the 2024 General election from BBC News
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Voted. I was going to vote tactically, but the Labour candidate is far enough ahead I decided to vote with my heart, largely because of Starmer's EU comment yesterday, saying we would not rejoin in his lifetime. FU, Starmer. We will.
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"The other curious omission in the research paper of course is that Google itself is one of the major companies rapidly developing and deploying that cause harm" Google's new paper shows that harm is a feature, not a bug, of generative software (doesn't stop 'em pushing it tho)
Google Says AI Could Break “While these uses of GenAI are often neither overtly malicious nor explicitly violate these tools’ content policies or terms of services, their potential for harm is significant.”
Make it so, Britain. Imagine progressive parties arguing week in week out for positives, rather than who is the nastiest.
Noticeable change in Ed Davey’s messaging today: “The Conservatives are a failed Government and they’ll be a failed Opposition. Only the Liberal Democrats can hold all parties to account.” Focusing now on the push to be the Official Opposition.
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Don't let the far right bigots and idiots win.
La carte de la HONTE #RN RT +++ 👇