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Trauma Nurse, Researcher, Crazy Cat Lady😻, Liberal Dem🌊. Love Travel, Politics, Stand for Human, Women & Animal Rights🌈👵🐈. ⛔MAGA
Loved by @MyOneAndOnlyKat🥰
"A viral video on Telegram a couple of weeks ago of a Russian soldier coldly dispatching a fellow soldier after he'd been hit by a drone has proven to be a problem that just won't go away." 1/
Russian Media Claims Mercy Killing Video Shows Ukrainians Russian propagandists pass off the cold-blooded execution of one of their servicemen as Ukrainian actions against their own.
I don't know why it is that you want to make an issue of the president and his condition with stammering and not being able, at certain times, to bring forth words while another person lies fluently and you never challenge his lies," Felton said to cheers.
Black churchgoers in Philadelphia come to Biden's defense amid fallout over debate Biden gave remarks at Mount Airy Church of God in Christ in Philadelphia.
My dad lived to be 89.5 years old. He couldn't move around as quickly but he was so damn sharp up to the day he died. He was online, read daily, and did the Sunday NYT crossword weekly. He knew music better than anyone I ever met. I would trust him with our country. I miss him every day. #VoteBiden
Replying to @MarkJacob16 If only the media covered Trump like they cover hurricanes. When hurricanes approach, news outlets do their duty and loudly warn people. They don’t think, “We told them about hurricanes last year. This is just ‘hurricanes being hurricanes.’”
Biden, Biden, Biden. He's the top 2 stories in the Post and top-3 in the NY Times. It's easy to report on Biden because he's doing events daily. So, what's Trump been doing recently? Told lies? Threatened violence & revolution? Sounds like a story to me.
Debate brings scrutiny of whether aides shielded signs of Biden’s Biden, aides now grappling with accusations they strongly reject that they were not candid with the public about how his age impacted his ability to do the job.
YEAH...WE GET IT. Biden is old, but so is the GD Traitor, rapist, pathological liar trying to DESTROY everything we have built since the 70's... SO STFU, ALREADY. Our choice is an 81 yr old GOOD MAN vs the WORST MONSTER we've ever faced...a monster that's also a hateful OLD MAN. #BidenHarris2024
Ridin with BIDEN!!!🌊
Project 2025 is the Heritage Foundation’s blueprint for turning the United States into a Christian Nationalist dictatorship with Trump permanently installed as King… Mein Kampf meets The Handmaid’s Tale meets 1984, all rolled up into one christofascist dream”
Republicans are running away from Project 2025. let’s make the bastards own they can run, but they can’t hide
Time for the media to discuss Project 2025 and the fall of Democracy if Trump wins and puts Project 2025 in place. Time for the media to call out Trump's gaffes and senior moments. Time for the media to quit endorsing a convicted felon.
MSNBC host admits the media is going overboard on Biden while ignoring Trump At the conclusion of a segment detailing President Joe Biden's struggles to convince voters he's up to the task of serving a second term...(more)
MSNBC host admits the media is going overboard on Biden while ignoring At the conclusion of a segment detailing President Joe Biden's struggles to convince voters he's up to the task of serving a second term, MSNBC host Katie Phang was put on the spot by an anti-Donald T...
Organizers got enough signatures to put a measure protecting abortion on the ballot in Arkansas. In *Arkansas*. They had *no national support*. Ignore the pundits melting down over not being treated as Very Special Boys. Dobbs has fundamentally changed elections. Everything they know is wrong.
Arkansas abortion rights groups collect enough signatures to advance ballot A measure to enshrine abortion rights in the ruby red state’s constitution is now one step closer to making the November ballot — but major obstacles remain.
How about get off your fat collective asses and do you reporting on the Trump - Epstein conspiracy?
News Analysis: When Donald Trump was found guilty of 34 felonies, the U.S. was confronted with a historical novelty: a felon who once held the highest office in the land. Will the label actually tarnish Trump, as it has so many people over the centuries?
A Mark of Shame for 900 Years. Until Now? “Felon” carries an ancient stigma — one that falls on millions of Americans today. Trump might well redefine it.
"The United States Supreme Court was stolen from the American people in broad daylight by dark money." Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
Funny we never heard anyone call for old Mitchie McConnell to step down now did we?!!