
I’m not going to sugarcoat it: Biden’s debate performance was a crushing disappointment and close to a worst-case scenario. Here are my full thoughts:
Not great, Biden's debate showing stunk up the joint. But don't give up hope.
Didn't watch it Didn't need to I'll vote for Biden over felon trump no matter how old he is. Trump is old too. He's also an idiot, a traitor, a convicted felon, a sexual assailant & a man who publicly plans to make himself a dictator & strip Americans (especially women) of a vast number of rights
Same here, but these debates aren't for the likes of us. It's for the ones who haven't decided yet
I'll STILL take the lovable old coot over the venomous raging fascist old coot. #StillBiden24 His backup plan is still better than any MAGA choice. And I am NOT a Kamala Harris fan, being a San Franciscan....
Not that I hate her. Just that she never did really impress me. She impresses me more now- and I am comfortable with her at the wheel- especially compared to these #GangOfPutins idiots that are the other choice....
That's fine for you as an individual, but can you convince enough people in Michigan, Wisconsin or Pennsylvania to think the same? Not so easy.
As an ex GOPer, I think so. MAGA is so far from actual conservatism that I think Trump loses voters every day. Just with his daily level of BS...
The only bright spot I see is that the reporting i’ve heard is pretty consistent. Words to the effect of “Biden stumbled and looked old while Trump spewed a firehose of lies and personal attacks.“ Don’t know if all mainstream media is doing this, but it keeps Joe/dems in the running.
One is a convicted felon and rapist who tried to overthrow the government and lied his ass off for 90 minutes, and the other looked old, and the amount of people wringing their hands over the latter and not the former is astounding to me.
I am so heart broken. And I'm a Canadian!
Not from the US, but I'm sure I have the same question as everyone else. WHY THE FUCK IS AN 81 YEAR OLD RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT AGAIN??
What did his staff or team expect? I mean really. 2 weeks of prep? Voice therapy would have been better.
I know. Who in the world prepared him. They should have had Jon Stewart or someone else prepare him.
no debate expert but how would 30, 40, 50, 60 year old Dem deal with the tsunami of bullshit Trump spewed differently. Two lies a minute from Trump with a minute to respond obviously CNN wanted to be the news
American politics is such a mess. At what point in the campaign is it ok to say that the nation deserves whoever it gets? They’re both terrible candidates and that was somehow the best that could be trotted out.
I remember 🤔when Pres.Obama was "a crushing disappointment " when he debated Romney. But, we rallied, he rallied and won. It was easy to stand WITH Pres. Obama. We must continue to stand WITH #PresBiden. #GOFIGHTWIN 💙🌟💙😎
Here’s the deal, number one; situation where number two; the very idea.
Still backing the feeble over the fool
On the plus side, Biden convincingly repudiated Trump's accusations that he takes cocaine before debates.
Aaron, this is the political equivalent of the Twins getting swept by the Devil Rays in June and you deciding the Twins won't win the World Series despite them leading their division
At no point have I said Biden can’t win! He obviously still can
It's 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 that Biden can still win this thing. But the likeliest path has to be that he withdraws and the Dems choose a new candidate who can highlight Trump's unfitness.
It’s an antiquated practice and we should abandon it.
And how about trump? Wrong on all facts What is more important