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Central Texas - fighting the good fight in the heart of a crazy red state.
Animal rights advocate.
Human rights crusader.
Blatant hypocrisy & intolerance drives me insane.
Jasmine Crockett is one of our best and brightest young legislators in Washington DC. Here's what she has to say about Joe Biden staying in the race.
It's sad we live in a country where airing Wheel of Fortune is more important than a presidential address regarding this horrifying Supreme Court decision. People without cable never see these things.
For those clutching their pearls over Biden's debate performance, look at how trump's supreme court has eviscerated progress in environmental protection, civil rights, DOJ authority & women's health- especially today. No more settled law Yes Biden is old, but TRUMP WILL DESTROY AMERICA AS WE KNOW IT
Maybe I'm just getting old & cranky, but since when does EVERYTHING I stream include subtitles?! You can't look away from the screen without missing half the dialog these days. I can get by with 3 languages... but that doesn't come close to covering it.
Wow has started to limited daily access as well. Just got blocked on reading an article. Maybe because no one is watching cable news anymore?
This article is amusing I worked for a large, global tech company for many years. One of my last managers was a micromanager who had to see her people working. She felt people socializing up & down the row of desks was productive while people working from home were not.
Wells Fargo fired a dozen people accused of faking keyboard strokes | CNN The pandemic may have released us from the tyranny of the five-day-a-week office schedule. But the grip of America’s busy-work culture is proving harder to shake.
Glad to hear #HEB is adding more stores in north Texas. They do so much to support our people. In the meantime, while incompetent governor abbott brags about our huge surplus, we learn this:
Hey what's your secret to keep wildlife in your food forest from stripping plants clean? This morning 1 of 'my' squirrels stripped my blueberry bush & is now eying my figs, the bunnies decimated the herbs & ate the blackberries from bottom up while birds started at top!
Good God... 1 more minute till Andrea Mitchell is finally off the air. She makes me want to shove an icepick into my ears.
Found a little cotton tail bunny struggling to stay afloat in my pool this mornnig. 🥺 I fished it out & kept the dogs at bay while the poor, exhausted little thing tried to recover. So excited to see it finally hop away after at least 3 hours. 🐇😁
I missed a step Israel bombed the Iranian embassy in Syria killing several high-ranking officials & injurying several other Iran retaliated injuring 1 child (best wishes for her speedy & complete recovery), yet Iran declared war? What piece of this puzzle did I miss? I can't keep it all straight
5 years of exec pay: Tesla: $2.5 billion T-Mobile: $675 million Netflix: $652 million Ford: $355 million 5 years of federal income taxes paid: Tesla: $0 ($1M refund) T-Mobile: $0 ($80M refund) Netflix: $236 million Ford: $121 million Anyone else see the problem here?
One of Trump's top lawyers has already said the plan is to stay quiet on abortion through the campaign—then use the Comstock Act to impose a nationwide abortion ban in 2025. Not only a ban on medication abortion, but ALL abortions, in all 50 states.
This is hysterical coming from fox "news". The hypocrisy is astounding.
The fact that the dude that signed the letter worked for The Orange God isn't important. Nor is the fact that the dude that signed the letter's *dad* was the dude runing AIG at the time of the 2008 collapse. They aren't disgusting people at all.
the Democrats might want to do something about the fact that the DOJ is staffed by ratfucking partisan hacks something other than - hi Merrick Garland - appoint them as special counsels so they can ratfuck your boss
End of feed.