
I just want to save this series of tweets for posterity. Hopefully, we’ll have a chance to go back over what’s going on here when tempers have cooled.
Why is that the story though? It's almost like people are making a conscious decision to make that the story
The logic is circular. Biden's infirmity is the story. Other things can't be the story, because they're not the story. Why is Biden the story? Because he's the story. If the threat of Trump is the story, why isn't it already the story? And on and on.
It's the story because the rest of the journalistic herd says it's the story. What am I going to do, cover something different than everyone else? But seriously, I'm not sure why there's so much conformism - doesn't seem advantageous to any one media channel.
Isn't like a big point of journalism that covering something others haven't is a good thing?
It should be? But we've all seen every channel and paper at once obsessively covering Timmy, who has fallen down a well, or whatever. Even when there's little new information. They all want a scoop, but that means being first with that new information about Timmy and the rescuers.
Because these geniuses who can’t seem to get it through their makeup and hair product that they’ll be first to be disappeared think everyone in America is dumb.
So I'm spitballing a "let's put on a show, we can use the old barn" organized consumer targeting of the NYT (to start). Stop the disinfo, cover THESE stories, DO YOUR DAMN JOB. Either way, you won't make money off a second Trump term, no matter what, starting now. Who did the Fox News ad boycott?