Gluten-free Seitan

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Gluten-free Seitan

In the southern USA.
Posting about world events and resist lib stuff, mostly
one of the most dishonest things people in my profession do is pretend as if “the story” and “the narrative” isn’t something they have direct control over
In America, only young, left-wing voters throw their votes away on this scale. Amazing to see the old and experienced do it in other countries with First Past the Post voting Caveat: seat-by-seat matters for tactical voting in Britain
Labour gets 34% of vote, 2024 - Landslide victory, many seats Labour gets 32% of vote, 2019 - Landslide defeat, few seats Biggest difference: in 2024, right-wing vote split 2024: Con 24% + Reform 14% = 38% 2019: Con 44% + Brexit party 2% = 46% & more quiet alliance/tactical voting by Labour & LD?
Labour gets 34% of vote, 2024 - Landslide victory, many seats Labour gets 32% of vote, 2019 - Landslide defeat, few seats Biggest difference: in 2024, right-wing vote split 2024: Con 24% + Reform 14% = 38% 2019: Con 44% + Brexit party 2% = 46% & more quiet alliance/tactical voting by Labour & LD?
My favorite line about war applies here: "The aggressor is always peace-loving... he would prefer to take over our country unopposed." No man, if you're trying a revolution against the Constitution of the United States, pro-Constitution Americans aren't going to simply get out of your way. Hard no.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"
Joe orders drone strikes on Trump, Supreme Court. Resigns amid outrage. Harris takes office, promises return to normalcy, fills SC vacancies.
So, today's decision has even LESS support than Dobbs:
The combat losses of the enemy from February 24, 2022 to July 1, 2024
There is however substantial reason to think that Biden has a base enthusiasm problem this might help with now.
Four years ago, before the Court pissed people off by overturning Roe and being flamboyantly corrupt all the time, a study found absolutely no electoral peril to Democrats advocating Court expansion. There's 0 reason to think that changed.
Embracing Supreme Court Expansion Carries No Political Cost, Study “There is no reason for leaders to shy away from saying what needs to be said,” the leader of a group promoting expansion of the high court said.
Samuel told all the words of the Lord to the people who were asking him for a king. He said, “This is what the king who will reign over you will claim as his rights: "He will take your sons and make them serve with his chariots and horses, and they will run in front of his chariots. ...
Is drone striking the Supreme Court an official act?
Besides the individuals you mention, Jimmy Carter has also run national campaigns for president. Unlike them, he won once. Since Biden is too old, Jimmy Carter must step forward and save the nation.
I'm starting to understand *why* some people are panicking, and want to try, something, anything to mix things up, even though they don't agree on what to do or who the new candidate should be. The assumption is that Trump is on track for almost certain victory. Which is not a fact-based assumption
About the reversal of the Chevron decision, and how it'll lead to the federal courts being flooded with even more lawsuits
The Supreme Court just made a massive power grab it will come to Welcome to hell, SCOTUS.
2016: How dare Dem party insiders have any vote in the nomination!! 2024: why won't Dem party insiders throw out the primary votes and select the candidate???
If you believe poll crosstabs at all: black voters, young voters, Latino voters but especially young Latinas are the most disaffected. Some even say they're switching to Trump. If you believe poll crosstabs at all, that's the key swing voting blocs that Dems have to win back & turn out.
this newspaper headline is the 1930 version of encountering an incomprehensible trending story about some Twitch streamer with 4 million followers
What no one has mentioned is Ohio GOP tried to block Biden from even being on the ballot & it took the governor intervention to make sure he would be on (despite following all the rules) You just going to replace him & expect no GOP shenanigans Whomever replaces him might not even be on all ballots
15 million pounds of aid delivered but most of it is sitting in the staging area. If the UN WFP won’t distribute it, someone else needs to (ideally? The Palestinian Authority)
BREAKING: The U.S. will remove the aid pier in Gaza due to weather and may not put it back after groups stopped deliveries, officials say.
US will remove Gaza aid pier due to weather and may not put it back, officials The U.S. is considering not re-installing it unless aid begins flowing out into the population again.
I'd like to sleep in this park, please. No you can't do that. It's illegal. Okay. Where should I sleep? Idk a shelter. Just checked. All shelters are full. Build us more? No. Okay so I need to sleep now. Sir/ma'am you're under arrest for sleeping in public.
Gavin Newsom declared that only California has a Dream. Seizes unilateral control of the Lathe of Heaven.
An umpire who declares himself the winner of the ball game
“I’m just a simple umpire, calling balls and strikes as I see them, and every now and then rewriting basic rules of the game with no reason”
A fundamentally undemocratic court that has been controlled by Republican nominees for 55 consecutive years just seized control of the whole damn government. Yet another reason Democrats should center the Supreme Court in their campaigns. (More on this soon!)
Here’s the Loper Bright decision expressly overruling Chevron and radically reordering American government, probably for the worse. Chief Justice Roberts wrote it, and the vote went on party lines.
SCOTUS overrules Chevron, a massive blow to the ability of federal agencies to function. The familiar 6–3, with Roberts writing for the majority
Good thing they made bribery legal
Gear up for several years of doctrinal chaos as courts try to figure out how to deal with regs in complex areas that the judges can't possibly understand ...