Mochi | JANKCORE VTUBER🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🔞

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Mochi | JANKCORE VTUBER🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🔞

Intrepid leader of BOOB69
PFP: udelart

Level 34
She/Her Main🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️
Vtuber/aspiring artist
18+ only/MINORS DNI
I stream and draw
Check out my twitch streams:

Where I post from (Sorry I felt super happy with how good my legs look tonight after shower and needed an excuse)
I just finished this #artfight attack. At first, I really didn't like how it was forming, but now that it is finished, I like it!
May I take your order?
Hi, my name is Asami!! I’m a sheep princess enjoying her new adventure. Oshi Marks: 🌸🐑👑 Community: Sheepies General: #AsamiKaisuri Art Tag: #asamikaisuriart NSFW Tag: #asamikaisurilewd 🎨 : @naomochii #envtubers | #vtubersen | #vtuber | #vtubers | #vtuberuprising
A friend: starting with DQ1 is like starting with FF1!! It'll be jarring compared to modern games! Me, realizing how old I am: I... I did start with FF1. In like 1994 ._.
tfw when someone asks for free work in exchange for exposure and you just know that their audience is smaller than your own *smh* a little PSA: i have my commission info linked everywhere. you want vroid textures from me? hire me, pay me in money. exposure is not exchangeable for food.
Sami Zayn, my personal favorite wrestler, is a Syrian-Canadian Muslim. He has been a documented queer ally (to the point of actively picking fights with homophobes in crowds during shows), is widely considered one or the nicest men in the business and has a charity for mobile ambulances in Syria.
Not all wrestlers have shitty politics.
Agenda47 would basically outlaw gender affirming care for everyone (all ages). Any hospital or healthcare provider that offers gender affirming care would be terminated from Medicare and Medicaid. We'd lose access to HRT, surgeries, etc. Please vote!
Project 2025 just got some shiny new jackboots:
Agenda 47 -
Every week or so there is some journalist or Important Poster who de-activates and people act like bluesky is a jenga tower that just lost a crucial load-bearing piece. In reality the center of that jenga tower has a solid metal pole in it called Furry Porn
Worth thinking about how long Tolkien goes on in Return of the King about despair being a weapon, and presenting defeat as a forgone conclusion being a deliberate and effective tactic
Do you ever wonder why the crowd that loves to "trigger" folks and despises "sensitive snowflakes" wrings their hands and cries so much when a joke targets someone they idolize? It's not really hypocrisy - they live in a world that is not ruled by values, but by hierarchy
History may not repeat itself, but it rhymes.
If your view of immigration is how we make your life better, you need to readjust your mindset. Let me put it this way: when you move to another state, do you get there and think “how do I make life of others better here?” Immigrants just want to live. Stop commodifying us!
I think it's also imperative to push back against the "oh ho ho ho, Trump is going to be so surprised when the crops rot in the fields" dunk that I see (white) people making. People don't come here to fucking pick our crops and it's insulting and perpetuates racist shit to say that's their role here
this is an important point: we need to not accept any aspect of the fascist agenda. Agreeing there are "good immigrants" and "bad immigrants", the latter of which are subject to violent removal, is compliance with fascism.
YEP and that community needs to be absolutely clear that we don't need to see someone's birth certificate or naturalization papers or whatever to accept someone.
No nutritional data on food presumably also means no allergens listed on food. You know. Just in case you know anyone with a food allergy whom you’d like to keep alive.
More analysis of Project 2025: end fuel efficiency standards, end nutritional data on food, you know, little things like that.
The Infernal Triangle: Needles in Project 2025’s Political journalism that...
This, a million times. If voting were really pointless and futile, there would be no voter suppression attempts. Stop parroting the propaganda of people who hate you because you think Nihilism-For-Suckers makes you sound wise.
and high res, for your stickering needs
I wish someone would make another Ghost in the Shell fps game
Doom 2016 has shown that a return to Arena Shooters is wanted and desired and yet somehow we are still allowing Unreal Tournament and Quake to lie dormant :/
Despite everything, it's a videogame-themed #weebwednesday once again! Give me your videogame related hot takes - no racist shit, no inflammatory shit, let's do this!
The problem with "where have you been" responses to people's rising political concerns is that we should be encouraging people to become politically active rather than scolding them upon their arrival.
i mean... youre right tbh. much like some platformers are speed rhythm games.
Hi!! Here’s my final lineup for CTCon! I’m looking forward to seeing everyone again and meeting new people. I’ll also be wearing platform boots for most of the weekend, so I apologize if I stumble into you 😂 #cosplay #ctcon #connecticon
This hot take is more of a shitpost but Fighting games are just violent rhythm games
Despite everything, it's a videogame-themed #weebwednesday once again! Give me your videogame related hot takes - no racist shit, no inflammatory shit, let's do this!
Hacker's Memory and Cyber Sleuth, can I get a "hell yeah!" chat?!
Despite everything, it's a videogame-themed #weebwednesday once again! Give me your videogame related hot takes - no racist shit, no inflammatory shit, let's do this!
I am good for one thing and that's sketching suggestive creatures
Labeled by the author
also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
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