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I do Vtuber/VRchat models and Pixel art and geek out over Retro stuff!! Also give info drops on fan translations and cool projects!! [RARELY NSFW]
Minors and AI Users DNI
Discord for comms: @lainwithtea
business email for comms
Just Finished Ys 2 while letting tonights pain meds set in and man what an game. I dunno if I liked it more than Ys 1 due to a lot of the main game feeling more imbalanced and grindy but every single sequence from Bell Tower onward roped me back in and had me in love and I cant reccomend it enough
Okay so apparently theres multiple Duel Masters Reboots in works as well as english tcg??? I watched episode 1 outta curiosity and it feels like this is just a mechanical rip off of the Digimon TCG which is Hilarious given that Duel Masters was literally just selling Magic the Gathering to Japan
My GF and I just watched the Plus sized elf lady anime and deer lady anime pilots outta curiosity and that sure was an excuse to show plus sized anime women nude for 11 minutes and 23 minutes of deer jokes For record I'm complaining about either of these things simply stating what I seen (o__ o )
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One of the sweetest and most whimsical game developer logos. The adventurous raccoon-ish creature that was Traveller's Tales' mascot and logo. Later versions were CGI animated renders until he vanished in 2005 in favour of the current double T, but this 1997 version is my favourite one.
Started up Ys 2 after tabletop night and made it a fair ways in and so far its not grabbin me AS hard as Ys 1 but theres a lot to enjoy. The boss designs ESPECIALLY the one I got a cap of here are incredible and Im enjoying the extra combat dimension fire magic gives <3 hope it holds up till the end
Ys 1 is complete and man what a charming little rpg <3 felt like I was going through a 90's fantasy anime and solving puzzles and can absolutely see why this series took off~ Only found out after fact that the steam version has an fps bug that I fell victim to so if you do play limit it to 30 fps!
I'm doing Sausage dogs for dinner today because I wanted to be a special little bean
Y'know what they actually aren't wrong about this on multiple fronts. From his skin tone to outfit his design shifts drastically in every single appearance.
Woke up this morning to Monochromon trying to sell me a toilet for 500 bits and am consigning him to the arena for the next 5 moons as punishment
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#サラメシ 第116回 サラリーマンの名古屋Blue担にも お昼がやってきました🍴🌞 コンビニ🏪で見つけた👀✨ 『どん兵衛シーフードうどん+ いなり寿司』ナガイネ.ᐟ‪🆕 いっただっきまꕀ⋆す🎶 夏はシーフード.ᐟ‪🐙🦑🦐🦀 梅雨どこいった?🙃アツスギル.ᐟ‪ #青空ごはん部 #ラーメン部
My one slasher movie hot take is that Nightmare on Elm Street 2 is actually really good it's just a mid Freddy movie
Ichigo and her gaggle of girls crossed with endangered animals could fix this country dammit
never forget why we celebrate this solemn day - so sonic and the winx club girl and the tokyo mew mew girl and luffy can sing the national anthem
Happy 4th of July from 4 Kids Happy 4th of July everybody!
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Good morning! And for your morning feeds, a curious creature of a Duke 3D port: the 1998 Mega Drive release put out by Tek Toy in Brazil. Consisting of modified versions of the levels from Lunar Apocalypse, this is more akin to pre-Doom corridor shooters. Strangely impressive given the hardware.
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My Ko-fi commissions are 20% off until the end of July! #ArtCommissions #Commissions
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Need something really cool? Got something in mind you need help bringing to life? Let's work together! :3c No request is too hard for me, I can draw anything! Seeking 2 full body render commission slots to be filled so I can finish taking care of July expenses <3 Available now! #CommissionsOpen
Here's some of my absolute favourites from my archive of #artcommissions All of these are full render pieces. Seeking 2 full body full render commissions so I can meet my July funding needs to survive. Thank you for considering my work today!! #furry #art #supportartists
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Hello! My Chibi Icon, Sketch Headshot & Color Portrait are always open to order thru my Ko-fi or Vgen, links below this post 📝 For the Bundle Trio you can fill out this form: 💖 Sharing this is highly appreciated!!! #artcommissions #CommsOpen #art #artshop #supportartists
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One of my fantasy novel cover commissions from 2022 . I did this for indie local author, character art | book art ----- 🌸Commission opens ✨ more info on bio #art #fantasy #novelart #commissions #CommissionsOpen #artcommissions #artistforhire #fantasynovel #bookishart #bookart #bookillustration
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Even more comms!!! #commissions #digitalart
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Also, if anyone is interested in a commission, hit me a DM (if the dm isn’t for a commission, then move along), they’ll remain open as long as I don’t get burnt out and payment will be done through PayPal. Ignore (Tags: #commissions #art #sketch #artistonbliesky)
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If you'd like to commission me, please check out my prices below and my for more information #CommissionSheet #commission_open #artcommissions
Screw it if I can't work I'm just gonna boost a bunch of artists who can right now.
Reposted byAvatar Lainwithtea
i know it's no longer gay pride month, but it's disability pride month now and i still need your help! please check out my shop and see what i've made and hopefully give something a home!! i take tips too, and will love you forever ❤️ #bsnm
hello, i am a nonbinary artist that works in fibercraft (plushies, costumes, hats/hoods, legwarmers, etc etc), jewelry, stickers, paintings, drawings, sculpture, and more! check out my shop here on my linktree: i can do customs too, just let me know here! #bsnm #art #furryart 🍄🐉
Up at midnight with fucked up fever stabbing ear pain and what feels like in a knife in my jaw puking my heart out This last three weeks has sucked more than I'll ever be able to get across. I HATE not being able to get over simple sickness like this easily and how much it fucks over my life.
Avatar Okay so I know I've been not shutting up about Resonance of Fate But I need you to understand this is the level of tone in every single story or plot cutscene where you talk to people This isn't an JRPG it's an Always Sunny skit with with DMC Gun Juggling combos
Resonance Of Fate 4K/HD Barbarella Theres nothing like real meat
Okay so Ive been joking that Zephyr in Resonance of Fate has gotta be gay but I was not prepared for the pride boots on his emo twink costume
Also shoutout to the gangs Living room in Resonance of Fate gotta be one of my favorite genders
Vashyron and Zephyr sitting on their shitty couch and watching porn together the moment Leanne is gone made me crack up wayyyy harder than it should have them getting cock blocked by the plot even more so
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Renamon from Digimon Battle Spirits for the Gameboy Advance
A fully playable build of the English Giten Megami Tensei patch has just been released! Only thing untranslated currently are demon conversations which are effectively random anyway lol
Massive news in fan translation scene! The person currently working on the Giten Megami tensei translation announced earlier today that the project is nearing completion which means this game will be available in english for first time ever soon! Source: