Glendon Mellow

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Glendon Mellow

🎨 Art in Awe of Science
🚴🏼‍♂️ Cyclist

🐡 #SciArt Feed Wrangler

✍🏼Past: Symbiartic, SciAm, Yale U Press, Scholastic; opinions mine


🌦️ Joined Bluesky 13April2023
✉️ glendon.mellow @ gmail .com
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Summer is the new winter for COVID. Unlike flu, which peaks in winter only, COVID has a summer surge, and it's happening now. See graphics that show the pattern & best theories for why this virus spreads so well in summer 🧪 by &
COVID Rates Are Rising Again. Why Does SARS-CoV-2 Spread So Well in the Summer? A combination of human behavior and immunity, the environment, and SARS-CoV-2 itself explains why the virus surges during both hotter and colder months
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Added this statement about generative AI to my website, resume, and LinkedIn months ago. While I look for work, it’s important to me to commit to real value for organizations, not illusions.
A must-read for artists by “Why are we, as a society or as members of the media blandly saying "AI is changing everything" without doing the work to ask whether it's actually changing anything?” 🐡🎨
Put Up Or Shut I feel like the tech industry is currently in the midst of the most bizarre cognitive dissonance I've ever seen — more so than the metaverse, even — as company after company simply lies about their in...
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I hear today is #WorldSnakeDay Snakes are beautiful animals, deserving of our appreciation and respect. This is a Kirtland's snake, a small Midwestern snake endangered or threatened (like many snakes) across most of its range. #snakes #SciArt
Love riding these Muskoka hills. #cycling 🚴🏼‍♂️
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That Vance is a direct line to Thiel and Andreessen is truly important. Trump wants their money. Thiel wants to sell billions in Palantir contracts to power Trump’s mass surveillance/ethnic cleansing infrastructure. Pence was the Christian Nationalists’ guy. Vance is reactionary capital’s.
Are you a fan of all of those guys who are directly responsible for making the internet an unusable dogshit hellhole? Well boy do I have a VP for you.
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Viruses in green and blue watercolor by me 🐡🧪
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Australian Owlet-nightjar - small, cute, and fluffy with fantastic rictal bristles 🐡🪶
Great Sapphirewing, the most brightly-colored bird from this project. It's pretty bizarre that the tiny, sparkly hummingbirds are part of a group whose other members are mostly brown and grey 🐡🪶
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"Where are you going, Dad?" "I'm going to get twizzlers. I need twizzlers very badly right now." "Can I come with you?" "Sure!" "This is what it's like to be an adult." "That's right. You can go get twizzlers anytime you want. It's awesome."
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Subscribe if you want to *see* cool Science-related art! Artists, if you'd like to be able to post to the Feed, ping Glendon! All types of science-adjacent art is fine! Paleo, Wildlife, SciComm, Medical, Botanical, etc.
🎨 Hundreds of artists 🧪 Science-focused 🎟️ Curated list 💪 No NFTs or gen AI ✨Inspiration every day. ❤️ Subscribe to the Bluesky #SciArt Feed.
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July 14 is Be Nice to Bugs Day, repost with some of your bugs! 🎨 🐡
July 14 is Be Nice to Bugs Day, repost with some of your bugs! 🎨 🐡
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Weekend WIP, the great black digger wasp! Not mentally prepared in the slightest for the workweek. Art is all my brain desires. 🙃 #SciArt #art #Entomology
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Not what I was going for but with some elbow grease it wasn’t a loss… #art #sciart #anatomyart #watercolor
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Aileen Cannon is a good example of how Project 2025 would work. You put a barely qualified fascist in every government position that matters and BINGO. Fash times in the USA!
Raised fists and bloody ears aren’t the only important images in the world. Make time for other thought-provoking images, and comment. 🐡
🎨 Hundreds of artists 🧪 Science-focused 🎟️ Curated list 💪 No NFTs or gen AI ✨Inspiration every day. ❤️ Subscribe to the Bluesky #SciArt Feed.
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the Constitution now effectively reads, in its entirety: "Donald Trump Is America's Special Boy and Can Do No Wrong"
Judge Cannon went and did it. She has dismissed the stolen documents case against Trump on Clarence Thomas’s (nonsense) appointments clause rationale.
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Everybody draws a snake with flowers eventually. Everyone. You are not immune to snakes with flowers. #art #animalartist #tattooidea
Sharing to the #SciArt Feed
For this Shark Awareness Day, I thought I'd repost these funny and old illustrations that share some facts about sharks! 🦈✨ #SharkAwarenessDay
If I don’t add you or answer questions quickly about the SciArt Feed, I’m on vacay and not always in wifi this week. Send me a DM and I’ll get to it! 🐡
My tweet from 2020 when Trump had covid. Revenge of the Sith was a banger of an allegory and I think more people should recognize that.
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"Winter Moon" took me 10 years to finish - sometimes art takes awhile. #SciArt #Paleoart
Abandoning a WIP doesn’t mean you're giving up. It's okay to pick it up later when the time feels right, or your skills feel more suited.
The first sip of coffee every morning is like letting out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.
“What we don't know keeps the contracts alive and movin' They don't gotta burn the books they just remove 'em While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells Rally 'round the family, pockets full of shells” —Bulls on Parade, Rage Against the Machine, 1996
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What an absolute joy it is to pick up a random book in a book store and it has artists you follow online in it. Guys. Some of us made it. Some of us can make it. 💙
Over at the other place, some 🇨🇦 commentary:
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When you write your stories from broads strokes moving towards greater detail, it's a nightmare working with someone who likes to work from detail to big picture. This is my nightmare.