
I am reminded often that what tweeted in 2022 is so profoundly correct: “I think we'll look back on the last decade as a time when social media gave previously marginalized groups the ability to speak directly to elites and, as a result, elites lost their minds.” Yup.
Ooooh yes. Most definitely. So much of these "civility" discourses comes right straight back to "the peasants should know their place"
Why aren't the rabble praising these geniuses as they step on the the rabble's collective neck? So rude!
We're allowed to praise, but any criticism is a form of SPEECH SUPRESSION, no less.
elites: "oh, surely they'll love us!" elites: "wait, who are they referring to as being idiots? us?"
“Why are the poors talking? Wait, are the poors saying mean things? That’s against the law!!”
'Elites' have always needed a veneer that makes them appear to be something other than just another human being who happened to have lucked into a specific set of circumstances which places them above everyone else in some way. Having them accessible to the masses cracks that veneer wide open.
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I think a lot about how when everyone started carrying camera phones with them everywhere we didn’t get more evidence of ghosts or aliens but of police killing Black people
Marauding gangs of Black people destroying and looting during natural disaster storms seem to have vanished too. Curious.
Parallels long 19thC in Europe I think - explosion of literacy, pamphlets etc leading to panic and repression by monarchies, nobility (among many other factors obvs). I would love to read something tracking the elite v commons clashes from that period into current political trends
Quite a few of those elites have let their own side down. I used to have far more respect for both doctors and lawyers, for example, until certain members of their tribe came to Twitter and started sharing their unfiltered selves. It wasn't pretty.
Also gave elites ability to speak directly to wider groups outside their immediate social circles, thereby revealing quite how bonkers they mostly are
Elite reaction to any sort of criticism has been off-the wall crazy; equally the pile-on mob-style from sections of the public is mad too.
this fetishizes social media as an agent of liberation. I think it’s more likely we look back and realize that tech doesn’t obviate politics even if it does seem to, on the surface, place voices on a horizontal plane because echo chambers and economics exist.
Avatar noticed this exact same phenomenon much earlier than that.
All part of the collapse. Those living in the corporate media bubble don’t even see what’s coming.
Reading 19th century craniologists and other race science freaks, it occurred to me that maybe their conclusions were full of holes in part because they knew they could say what they like without fear of public shaming and scorn. It wouldn't have changed them, but they would've thought twice I bet.
I'm sure it's well deserved
My suspicions are confirmed, thank you
I spoke the truth. The powers that be didn’t like it.
Yes, but a lot of people who were well respected used to have PR teams to shield them from fans. Now that they can speak unfiltered on social media, a lot of famous people are being revealed as idiots.
Define “elite”.
People who expect their opinions to be received with appreciation.
Everybody in the blue slice. The question reminds me of a cartoon I saw.
Rich people, particularly the ones who run/control/rule the world.
If someone online calls you an asshole or a sloppy little bitch, and you have the means to make a local lawmaker do something about it, or have whole police departments from multiple cities turning out to defend your honor through violence, you're an elite.
That's what happens when a society lets money determine 'elite' rather than principles, ethics, and utility. Most of the wealthy are peasants inside. Possessed of the material resources associated with nobility and aristocracy, but utterly bereft of the mindset that defines 'noble'.