
"Defiant Biden" Who is Biden defying, one might ask?
At some point most people end dealing with a defiant elderly relative like this. Biden looked at what RBG did for ACB and wants to do the same for Trump. Don’t you dare try and stop him!
I think you misunderstand. Most people end up dealing with a stubborn elderly relative. Calling them "Defiant" suggests they are not their own autonomous people, which they are. More importantly, the media is not supposed to be the Daddys of politicians, voters are.
If 30% to 45% of my friends and family said I wasn’t capable of driving, I’d stop driving. Polls show 30% to 45% of Democrats want Biden to end his campaign.
Well, now you get to the issue of defiance. Because 80% of journalists are saying that, and Biden is thus far listening to the 85% of Democrats who said he should be the candidate rather than the 80% of often wrong pundits. Again, this is an issue of agency.
Yes, the age obsession of journalists isn’t fair. But Biden has proven he is incapable of solving that problem. And he had a huge hand in creating this problem.
Well if it's Biden's choice than it's not defiance. See how you're slowly understanding the point?
My family is dealing with some elderly relatives that are behaving just like Biden. We often call it “defiance.” You can call it whatever you want and blame the media for Biden’s god-awful campaign that is not going to stop being god-awful.
Just curious: how old are you? Because if you were over 80 and only 30-45% of your friends and family said that, I promise you wouldn’t. Heck, if 95% said it, you probably wouldn’t. Source: dealing with folks that age who most definitely did not.
It’s one thing to assume your actions in theory. It’s another thing entirely to be faced with the choice in reality.
I’m in my 50s and have become disabled. I have definitely accepted that there are certain activities I am not able to do. I’ve listened to my friends and family, and I don’t need 95% of them to be in unison to change my behavior.
If that’s true, you’re an unusual case, and that’s worth mentioning for that very reason. Most people, especially elderly folks, dig their heels in out of deep denial, and it’s painful for everyone around them.
FWIW, we were able to take the keys away from mom in her 70s. But the discussion was about her stubbornness. Not about a grown adult "defying" her family members.
We weren’t able to get them from my grandfather until his late 90s. It’s not easy. Even his doctor didn’t want to intervene. There are millions of families out there praying that an elder doesn’t cause an accident every day.
So, the opinions of 55% to 70% of the party who want him to stay in don't matter? Not as much as the minority of party members you speak for?
Was Obama wrong to ask RBG to step down? Did his 1 opinion matter more than the 96 senators who voted to confirm her? Than the millions of people who were fine with her staying on the court?
No you are the one promoting a Trump presidency. Giving up the incumbancy, and continuing this 5th column attack on Biden is going to cost us. Even if we switch candidates a lot of damage has been done by these attacks. We are driving down turnout with every one of these posts.
And just think, if Biden even had a *mediocre* debate performance, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. But he served up about the worst debate performance he could have. And he has handled the aftermath dusasterously.
I don't know if that is true. It feels like the media, and maybe a few opportunists were just waiting for any opportunity to jump on this. Yes, the debate was bad. But if you actually watch him answer he knows what he is talking about the entire time. His rallies are fine and his admin is great.
He has been a good president but he is running a bad campaign and there is no indication he knows how to turn it around. He could do townhalls, long press conferences, a cognitive test, and that might help turn it around. My feeling he’s not doing those things because he is not capable.
He had a full physical in Feb that is online and the evaluated his cognition at that time. He has been doing events everyday since the debate. I really think he is getting bad press, more than a bad campaign.
Why do you think he’s not doing townhalls or long press conferences? Any candidate could say “I am going to do a two hour press conference and answer all your questions.”