Random Books of Known Origin

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Random Books of Known Origin


Books rarely steer you wrong and a little randomness never hurt. She/Her & GenX. Am at the usual places at RandomBks.
Look, I'm willing to try anything at this point.
Arraigned marriage renaissance reylo au 🖤
After Phee moves to Boone County, she finds welcome and friendship with the Logans. At the Duck Tape for Mellie’s bachelorette party, she realizes she might find something more. - A soft and sweet mutual pining AU for @macksani NEW WIP, 1/2 #ReyloRRR #Clydephilia archiveofourown.org/works/56538880…
For they both have decided on a retirement in lake country. — ‘Waiting on the Thunder’ A canon-divergent AU where Laura Roslin and Bill Adama actually get to know each other, everything is lovely and nothing hurts. For @Sister_Winter M, WiP 1/3, #Reylo4RR #Rodama archiveofourown.org/works/56535877…
For @annewritesreylo.bsky.social
As a child, Rey’s world shatters after her father’s death, but she discovers a new family, adventures— And new friends. — ‘we’re after that same rainbow’s end’ An Emily of New Moon inspired friends-to-lovers AU for AnneStirling NEW, M WiP, 1/4 #Reylo4RR #Reylofic archiveofourown.org/works/56631715…
As a child, Rey’s world shatters after her father’s death, but she discovers a new family, adventures— And new friends. — ‘we’re after that same rainbow’s end’ An Emily of New Moon inspired friends-to-lovers AU for AnneStirling NEW, M WiP, 1/4 #Reylo4RR #Reylofic archiveofourown.org/works/56631715…
#Reylosss Dad!Ben story!!!
I have written one Dad!Ben scenario. A few years after Exegol, hearts filled with trepidation and hope and after many discussions, Ben and Rey find they are open to having a child. - For @hedgehoggled with love and thanks. ‘Hostage to Fortune’ E 2k Mind the tags. archiveofourown.org/works/39007881
Lost in the moment as he sighs watching the suds of his beer shift, tilted back on his bar stool, Clyde Logan relaxes and closes his eyes, keeps them closed even as he hears the click-click of high heels approaching. “Hello Stranger,” he hears a low, velvety voice say. #ReyloSSS
Happy #ReyloSSS!! What do have to share with me today? 👀
All it takes for veteran catcher Ben Solo’s brain to turn off is for a pretty girl to appear. Luckily, the game was called due to rain today. #ReyloGOSports #ReyloSSS
Happy happy #ReyloSSS all! Can you send me some snippets to brighten my rainy day?
This figure who could be Ben, who looks as Ben had on Exegol—a Ben who might be her Ben. Even as a Ben who cannot be her Ben stands impassive at her side. "Rey?" Even as he fades—soft blue light that forms this place slowly showing through the figure of her Ben—as she watches.
Happy #ReyloSSS all! Looking forward to seeing what you all are cooking up today! 👀
Star Wars: The Last Jedi dares to ask the question: what if star wars movies were good
Calvinism gets reinvented approximately every six seconds on the Internet
A vast majority of todays problems result from things that feel good being too easy. Takeaway delivery, streaming services and porn are turning us into dopamine junkies with no perspective on life.
Bluesky telling all of us via email that DMs are finally here
I couldn't resist the impish gleam in his eyes when he grabbed that camera and so ...in the beginning digital painting / #reyloww / #AdamDriver
But also don't sleep on what he clearly thinks it says about women
Why is Sam Altman so obsessed with 'Her', to the point that he's willing to burn one of the world's biggest actresses to link his product to the film? Because, fittingly, the film presents AI as an engine of entitlement: www.bloodinthemachine.com/p/why-is-sam...
Why is Sam Altman so obsessed with 'Her'? An investigationwww.bloodinthemachine.com It's a powerful vision of AI as an engine of entitlement, for one thing
Safe from raiders and scavengers, Ben Solo—on the eve of his wedding—bids farewell to his kin of Vault 33; anticipates all marriage will bring: A bright shiny future with his unknown Bride. — ‘promise to be dazzling’ A Fallout-inspired Reylo AU E, 1/4, #ReyloTTPD archiveofourown.org/works/55592302…
15 hrs; have speckled my way down his neck and am about to embark on mapping the marks across the wide expanses of those shoulders and his chest wip / digital painting / #reyloww / #AdamDriver
As she hears his approach she smiles, for despite her appreciation of the morning’s solitude, she welcomes as always he whom she holds most dear. - ‘the uncertain glory of an April day’ a medieval arranged marriage #ClydePheeVer AU for @DyadSqueal E, COMPLETE 20k archiveofourown.org/works/54569638…
As she hears his approach she smiles, for despite her appreciation of the morning’s solitude, she welcomes as always he whom she holds most dear. - ‘the uncertain glory of an April day’ a medieval arranged marriage #ClydePheeVer AU for @DyadSqueal E, COMPLETE 20k archiveofourown.org/works/54569638…
It is no surprise that the uncertain promised glory of spring is but a distant memory as Phee stands once more on the high battlements of a resolute fortress, for the bitter frost once again lingers in the clear air as the snow piles increasingly deep on the ground. #ReyloSSS
Show me all your #ReyloSSS 👀
The cool thing about A.I. is that it doesn't work but it does eat up enormous resources in order to not work.
“Those peasants showed up on this social media network and started using it like a social media network and I thought, uh, nope, this is literally becoming another social media network.”
It is extraordinarily, spectacularly funny that Jack Dorsey literally called us “common,” as if he’s the Third Lord Viscount Fartleby sneering at the help while cheating at a game of croquet
Finally found you. It seems you lived a happy life. Now what would you like me to tell your loved ones, so your end of the deal can be payed?
That magical time at Court had lost some of its sheen, she’d found over this last year. “Goin’ to catch my death in this cold,” Clyde grumbles even as he wraps himself around her from behind, sharing some of his warmth, claiming some of hers. Perhaps she’d simply missed home. #ClydePee #ReyloSSS
It’s Star Wars weekend celebration time! What are we writing for #ReyloSSS to celebrate?
It’s Star Wars weekend celebration time! What are we writing for #ReyloSSS to celebrate?
Sat down to revise the conclusion to a couple of AUs and instead my brain wrote me 2k of campaign Chief of Staff Ben and Speechwriter Poe razzing each other over their respective crushes. Yes, I have no idea what I’m doing, thanks for asking! ☺️ #ReyloSSS
It’s Star Wars weekend celebration time! What are we writing for #ReyloSSS to celebrate?