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Wow, buat kaya gini bisa berapa lama ya? Kok kerasa banget perasaan kerja keras ala romusha-nya 😭
260. Jadi apa yang Bintang punya tapi cowok lain gak punya?
Reposted byAvatar Yomama
You can grab an entire copy of everything on Bluesky and keep it up-to-date in real-time for just $153/month in computing costs. I hope researchers will take advantage of this to do some interesting data analysis. For example, can you identify disinformation campaigns as they happen?
Just watched Trump assassination attempts. I think this event will weaken dems votes a bit.
Reposted byAvatar Yomama
Perbedaan List, Feed, Labeler, dan Starter Pack - User lists : daftar pengguna untuk menampilkan post (feed) - Mod lists : daftar pengguna untuk memoderasi (mute & block) • User lists + algorithm → Feed • Mod lists + algorithm → Labeler • User lists + feeds → Starter Pack 🖼️ @boringstorybook.com
Dapatkan info cuaca bernuansa kodok dengan melakukan pencarian di Google dengan kata kunci “weather” atau “cuaca”. *Hanya untuk pencarian di ponsel. Info dari: @cacingcincang.bsky.social @deutan.dev
Reposted byAvatar Yomama
atproto is the first opportunity ever for independent devs to build on a locked-open social network with millions of users. Making this better understood and more accessible (e.g. easier to use SDKs) is all that stands between us and an explosion of much more fun (and healthy) social apps!
We're getting to spend more time on protocol again, which has me happy. Not just adding capabilities, but fixing annoyances and simplifying things. There's a few changes we can make that will make the stack more obvious, and get closer to that goal of "it's just http and json"
Reposted byAvatar Yomama
Banyak keluhan TL negatif di X. Angin segar promosikan, buat feed sendiri di bluesky.
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How atproto’s current architecture was designed. (iPhone Photos surprising me with some nostalgia)
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Hey folks, I did some writing this week on my explorations with HLS (HTTP Live-Streaming) and how I learned the protocol is really just a bunch of text files in a trench coat. If you're interested in how it works and how to add features to video streams, check it out! jazco.dev/2024/07/05/h...
How HLS Worksjazco.dev HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) is basically just a bunch of text files in a trench coat pointing at a handful of itty-bitty seconds-long video files
Microblog seperti ini cocok sekali untuk kita (dan kamu) yang punya pikiran balapan (racing thoughts).
Pernah punya teman SD nama dia Pandu. Suka diejek begini, “pandu..pandu… lahir pantat duluan”
Aulia... Agung... PANDU~♪
Kamu bisa main gitar klasik?
Thank you @bsky.app for preventing Blackmirror: Nosedive as our future.
Capek banget buka cakrawala indonesia, banyak banget post nulis sepi. Mau nyari apa emang? 🐸
Reposted byAvatar Yomama
@emilyliu.me explaining some usecases for starter packs
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we will definitely recommend folks switching over to OAuth once it is ready, but don't want to remove critical features without a very generous notification/migration period. we'll probably also need to add some simple API token system for developers, which could look similar to app passwords
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PDS self-hosters! we have a distro release coming soon. the first part is schema support for starter packs, a feature we just released that uses records in the PDS. second is early OAuth backend support. we don't have the atproto OAuth system documented/specified, but will be soon
Reposted byAvatar Yomama
📢 App Version 1.87 is rolling out now (1/4) Bluesky is all about building communities! Today we’re launching a tool to help you build yours: Starter Packs. Learn about them here:
Today, we’re releasing starter packs — personalized invites that allow you to bring friends directly into your slice of Bluesky! 🚀 Update to version 1.87 of the app or refresh desktop to create a starter pack. (It may take a moment for version 1.87 to appear in the iOS App/Google Play stores.)
Reposted byAvatar Yomama
Wah drama pertama 🔥
Itu kerjaan mu beda dgn krjaan ku, apapun itu yg penting halal bagiku, krj smua gak ada yg gak capek, btw makasih loh coment nya 🙏 Setiap manusia itu beda prinsip, beda sikap jgn kau samakan dgn latar hidupmu.
Reposted byAvatar Yomama
atproto is pretty cool. i used to be closer to a skeptic but i’ve really warmed up to it. missing features are annoying and the day-to-day dx is clunky compared to centralized state of the art but the big picture is exciting. it deserves at least a few conference talks. i’m thinking of writing one
Reposted byAvatar Yomama
Hello @why.bsky.team, Hi I want to ask about app.bsky.feed.getPostThread, will this endpoints return all replies of given post root? What if there are thousand of replies to the post root only? Since I don’t see cursor param for this. Or am I missed something?