Jake Gold

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Jake Gold


Former engineer @ Tech giant Bluesky

Mountain View, CA

I like people and other animals, technology, programming, history, gaming, and a lot of other stuff. I probably like you.

Views expressed here are my own.

DMs open. Email [email protected]
Picking identifiers... I suppose UUIDv7's 40 bit random component is almost always enough but I like ksuid's 128 "kill it with fire" approach. Seems like end game for UUIDs is time-ordered, millisecond precision Unix epoch timestamps, >128 bit random component, sortable string representation.
How atproto’s current architecture was designed. (iPhone Photos surprising me with some nostalgia)
It’s possible that the Bluesky team is the only to have ever successfully bonded in an escape room. It should’ve been lame but magically wasn’t 😆 #NoClues
Not sure how many others do this, but I highly recommend: 1. One "trusted" browser instance for your signed-in apps (email, chat, work stuff, etc) 2. One "throwaway" browser instance in Private/Incognito mode for everything else (news, random sites, etc.) It's a big privacy/security improvement.
Enjoying another day of (sufficiently) permission-less-ly adding services to the internet to do new things... The Internet truly is the existence proof for the greatness of open and decentralized networks.
One of the worst OpenSSH-related things I've seen is Ubuntu installs that generate a `/etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/50-cloud-init.conf` which contains: ``` PasswordAuthentication yes ``` So that a `PasswordAuthentication no` in `/etc/ssh/sshd_config` gets overridden and password auth remains enabled!
At some point we dared to believe OpenSSH was secure enough to be public internet-facing. But the protocol it implements is just too complex. A cool long-term fix might be for SSH protocol v3 to be the current v2 just wrapped in WireGuard protocol w/pre-shared keys by default. SSH on port 22/udp!
I gotta reverse-tunnel my gRPC Unix sockets over HTTP2/WebSockets streams.
My last day working on Bluesky, the company. Will miss working with the team after 1.5 years of working hard/having fun together! Hope to have time for atproto/Bluesky projects in the near future. Have a few ideas that could be important (or at least fun) but couldn't justify spending the time on.
Not sure about his specific issues but have to agree with @cra.mr that OpenTelemetry is overly complex. It's still really useful and I'm grateful it exists, but I do hope for a simplified OpenTelemetry v2.
The Problem with OpenTelemetrycra.mr I regularly complain about OpenTelemetry, so with an aim to be a less useless contributor, today I'm putting pen to paper. If you're an implementor, I ask you to read this and take away the personal b...
Surprising how often I have to say this to myself. Easy to find yourself thinking "that solution would be great but would consume at least 10 GB of memory. Too expensive!" ...have to remind yourself that a 16 GB VM is $40/mo in 2024. Gotta keep up-to-date on your "throw hardware at it" intuitions.
lol, that reminds me of a classic @jacob.gold saying where, when one of us would talk about the amount of bytes this will end up consuming in a struct or on disk or something, Jake would always reply with "Don't worry, I'll pay for it" to get us back on track
Maybe the most important skill in software engineering is cultivating good judgement about which patterns and technologies are worth adopting and which should be actively avoided. One of the most common mistakes is thinking "FAANG uses it" is a good reason your *very* non-FAANG-like org should.
Why, after 6 years, I’m over GraphQLbessey.dev GraphQL is an incredible piece of technology that has captured a lot of mindshare since I first started slinging it in production in 2018. You won’t have to ...
Yay! DMs, the most requested feature, are here! 🥳 Even though this initial DM implementation isn't E2EE or PDS2PDS, it's still really powerful and useful. Sufficiently secure for casual conversations and a great way to exchange Signal information for ultra secure conversations.
Now available: DMs! Start a private conversation with a friend directly on Bluesky within the Chat tab. 💬 Update to the latest version of the app (1.83) or refresh on desktop to start chatting!
I'm weird, I love domains/URLs, so I assumed `twitter.com` -> `x.com` URL change would at least result in cool URLs (even if the entire rebranding was one of the worst decisions in business history) But the "x" is so small/weak compared to the ".com/" portion of the URL it's just plain bad.
My view on programming languages in 2024: C/C++ ➡️ Rust Objective C ➡️ Swift Python/Ruby/Perl/PHP/Java/Scala ➡️ Go JavaScript ➡️ TypeScript Bash ➡️ Bash
Reposted byAvatar Jake Gold
Ever wondered how Bluesky was built? With @hejelin.bsky.social , we spent the last couple of weeks talking with @pfrazee.com, @dholms.xyz (two "founding" engineers) to get a sense of how this platform went from zero to where it is today. Read it here: newsletter.pragmaticengineer.com/p/bluesky
GIFs are the powerful spice of social media. A little goes a long way.
If there’s a heaven, I hope the weather and trails are this nice.
Recent ssh (xz/liblzma) backdoor was scary but very predictable. I haven't trusted exposing OpenSSH to the world for 15+ years. Been laughing imaging the very sad state agency hacker tasked with trying to create a remote backdoor in WireGuard that bypasses its pre-shared key check, etc. Good luck!
This little Tailscale outage is a good example of the kinds of issues caused by running dual stack IPv4 and IPv6 setups. Everything has to work twice. It’s *not* a reason to not support IPv6 but it is reason to not undersell the additional complexity it can cause.
About the Tailscale.com outage on March 7, 2024tailscale.com On March 7, 2024, tailscale.com was unavailable for approximately 90 minutes due to an expired TLS certificate. We were able to identify and address the issue quickly, and the downtime was mostly limi...
Reposted byAvatar Jake Gold
feeling nostalgic after all the recent launches and wanted to share a quick visual history of the maturation of the atproto network just a year ago, this entire network was contained on one server - the primordial PDS (also plz excuse my horrible artistic skills 💅)
Big milestone! ✅ Federated domain handles ✅ Federated feed generators (algorithms) ✅ Federated relays (event firehose) ✅ Federated app views (API service) ✅ Federated data for self-hosters (PDS hosting) ✅ Federated moderation (labeling) 🚧 Federated data for large service providers (coming soon)
Moderation is a crucial aspect of social networks. However, traditional moderation systems leave communities vulnerable to sudden policy changes and mismanagement. To build a better social media ecosystem, it's necessary to try new approaches. docs.bsky.app/blog/bluesky...
Bluesky's Moderation Architecture | Blueskydocs.bsky.app Moderation is a crucial aspect of any social network. However, traditional moderation systems often lack transparency and user control, leaving communities vulnerable to sudden policy changes and pote...
@matthieu.bsky.team welcome to the Bluesky team! (Matthieu has actually been working on making OAuth function with atproto / Bluesky for a while now!)
It's actually not-really-but-kinda annoying to me how little downtime we've had with the Bluesky backend services because it feels like the bar has been set a bit too high. Bluesky's backend services have been more reliable than a lot of financial, government, and major services...it's unseemly. 🤞
Just got bit by this yet again. Let's all agree to use Unix epoch time (s, ms, usec, ns) when creating systems that might ever need to work across multiple languages. It's just so reliable compared with correctly formatting and parsing string timestamps. (this is one of atproto's few sins)
Reposted byAvatar Jake Gold
More Star Trek Enterprise fanart. Tripp and Malcolm are bff goals.
One simplified way of thinking about labelers is that they let anyone attach "hashtags" (labels) to any post or profile on the network. But only users who subscribe to a "hashtagging service" (labeling service) will get them, and client apps can do kind of anything with these "hashtags" (labels).
Bluesky is built to give users control over their social spaces online. Today, we’re open sourcing Ozone, a tool that lets users collaboratively inspect and label content on the network. Later this week, we’re opening up the ability for users to run their own independent moderation services.
Bluesky’s Stackable Approach to Moderation - Blueskybsky.social Today, we’re open sourcing Ozone, a tool that lets a team of moderators or curators collaboratively review reports, create labels, and inspect content on the atproto network. Later this week, we’re op...