
Donald Trump has good days and bad days but increasingly only bad days. He's lost it - he can't focus and his brains are leaking out his ears, but the press is very impressed with him because HE CAN STILL SHOUT
"RETRUTH IF YOU WANT TELEVISED MILITARY TRIBUNALS" is, to me, a deranged and instantly disqualifying thing for a presidential candidate to say, but on the other hand joe biden looks and sounds very old
i definitely still think about the part where reagan clearly had cognitive decline yet also that ol Gipper Affect and no one cared because this is actually all about aesthetics not substance
& the fact that voters know Biden would lean heavily on his admin removes the valid concern abt democratic representation, I think.
What's especially bonkers about this is... we know how Biden is as the actual President, because he is President RIGHT NOW. Joe Biden at age 83 will not be enormously different from Joe Biden at age 79, and we have seen that at age 79 Biden was probably the most active pres we've had in generations!
POTUS coverage centers performances (debates, pressers, interviews, statements & speeches) rationally disregarding the age-related cognitive decline in POTUS would expose how empty all that coverage isz So there’s gonna be all this institutional weight in news rooms against thinking like that.
Who knows what's up with him, outside of his staff, but I suspect he's entirely capable of the folders-and-Secretaries-in-the-Oval work, as well as the "President's on the phone for you, Senator" politicking. Just don't expect a tired old man with a stutter to throw down like Eminem.