
But sure, let's add one more major sports stadium there and continue to use magical thinking as a climate strategy. That'll work out great
48.9°C! But it’s a dry heat. 🙃
I find Vegas profoundly depressing for a number of reasons, but the sheer environmental insanity of the whole enterprise is one of the biggest
*literally bursts into flame* "yeah but it's a DRY heat!"
We went to Arizona a few summers ago, and it felt like being in a kiln (which is, technically, a dry heat)
So… last week? When we moved here in June 2014, or even my brother and sister in law explained how to survive. Visitors can’t be expected to follow the monsoon rules: get up before 5, stay inside between 9 and sunset, and it’s still hot after dark.
There’s a cost to going out in the day I never felt in Tampa… but I hate Tampa summers
The company I work for provided all the water solutions (plumbing needs) for the new Allegiant and while it legit saves a lot of water I still always think, but why is there a huge city in the middle of the desert...
As the resident of a different desert city that relies somewhat on the same water source, believe me, it’s maddening. We banned front lawns and were at the head of the curve on reclaimed water. They’re doing *waves hands frantically* gigantic fountains and fake Venetian canals and lawns…
"Seemed like a good idea at the time" - Moe Greene
Went to conference in Vegas once. In August. The dust and the heat were awful. And I remember walking by casinos with open doors and cold air just blasting out. I can’t imagine any set of circumstances that would get me back there.
Honestly, if I had to guess I don't think that stadium is ever getting built there (this does very little to address the insane environmental concerns of building a tourist city in the fucking desert)
Yeah, I think John Fisher has way outkicked his coverage
They're gonna play in Sacramento for 2-3 years and be an embarrassment, at which point MLB will figure out some kind of buyout/sale to put an adult in charge of the franchise, and I _still_ don't think they'll wind up in Vegas at that point.
As long as John Fisher is publicly humiliated and loses money, I'm in favor of it
A stadium no one in LV wants for a team they don’t want. Beautiful.
A perfect encapsulation of our late capitalist economy, though
Kevin, I’m so glad you migrated. I hope you’re enjoying Charlotte. But I’m going to need you to post… you know… THOSE photos again.
Here, my brother’s dog to get the ball rolling. Also, do you know my colleague Brian Smentkowski?
I do! Brian is a great dude; fun fact, he actually held the position at my university that I hold now (there was one person in between us but still)
I keep wondering where they think the water is going to come from.