Daniel M. Ford

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Daniel M. Ford


Fantasist. Bespoke Cusses. Educator. Rum Cove. Ring Guy. Orioles Fan. Cocktails and weightlifting, rarely at the same time. NECROBANE: Book 2 of THE WARDEN, 4.23.24 from Tor!
Since we're doing blocking discourse: block whoever you want for whatever reason you want. Nobody owes anybody an explanation.
Hate these stupid "Meta AI" commercials. If you ask a plagiarism engine to design you any kind of athletic training program, you're likely to get hurt.
Talking shit about the USPS? That's a blockin'
Amazing how Texas has had TWO all-star games since the last time Baltimore had one
oh jesus christ this commercial where the dog's toys are doing Toy Story and talking about why he doesn't play with them anymore, fucking hell that is deeply unfair. fuck you, commercial creators
All-Star game uniforms have a real "baseball videogame from 1989" color scheme. I don't hate it.
Even if posting there WAS leading to any sales (doubtful) is it worth putting up band flyers in a Nazi bar? Is it worth rubbing elbows with the worst people alive to get a few cents more? Is it worth making Musk slightly richer because it might help me get another book deal?
Just deactivated my twitter. It’s not even worth keeping for the self promo. Do wish my publisher would get on here tho!
Just deactivated my twitter. It’s not even worth keeping for the self promo. Do wish my publisher would get on here tho!
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LARRY : Is that — is that the Shards of Narsil? JEFF : Wow! LARRY: Narsil! That's the uh, the blade that cut the Ring from Sauron's hand. Ah, you know what I bet? Shards are still sharp. JEFF: Still sharp? No. No way. ARAGORN: Is this for my benefit?
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also and I feel like I buried the lede here: it calls for the people who CREATE queer media to be imprisoned. That'd be people like me. Or any other queer creator you love. Any queen who's been on drag race. Chappel Roan. Janelle Monae. Anyone who's made a piece of queer media. Imprisoned.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
Custom made crossbow, probably.
if you won a million dollars what would be the first ridiculous thing you'd buy? something silly and pretty and fun for yourself. it can be small. I'd buy a hot pink e-bike or vespa, and give it pink marabou streamers.
Hey howsabout we share favorite cover versions of songs Here's Jason Isbell doing Ripple, unfortunately some dipshits in the crowd singing along on the not great recording but still www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kfo...
Jason Isbell ripple Grateful Dead cover @jasonisbellmusicwww.youtube.com
Give me your 3 favorite guitarists today don't think, just answer Molly Tuttle Jason Isbell Chan Kinchla
give me your 3 favorite guitarists today don't think, just answer Charlie Sexton Mark Knopfler Bob Stinson
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Maintenance said he looked at my sink and there’s no leaks. I emptied a 5-gallon bucket of water from under there, but I guess it’s a miracle. Our Lady of Perpetual Plumbing restored the pipes through divine intervention. Or you just lie instead of fixing things. One of those two. Hard to tell.
I think I need to delete powerwashing simulator. And my saves. I need to be hypnotized to forget the game exists.
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In the interest of stupid pointless low stakes discussion, what’s an RPG class or race you’ve never played or generally avoided? I don’t often do casters but I’ve never played a druid
instead of having discourse let's talk about meaningless food preferences, sports beefs and fun stuff (hobbies). we don't need to discourse about any of the stuff we're discoursing about right now. free your hearts
Wings are bad. They just aren’t good. Juice ain’t worth the squeeze. Turn them all into stock.
instead of having discourse let's talk about meaningless food preferences, sports beefs and fun stuff (hobbies). we don't need to discourse about any of the stuff we're discoursing about right now. free your hearts
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It's been nearly ten years now that you have to think about this dude every day, and he fucking sucks. Just watching the same episode of Mama's Family on every channel for a decade. It is normal to want that to end.
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There’s some reasons for this. The first is that the crusade began as criticism of the NYT’s anti-trans coverage. The second, and more relevant, is that social media standards allow people to use identity as both a sword and a shield.
speaking as someone who continues to think it is completely stupid that people went after jamelle bouie for something that is objectively not a big deal i also think that people should really carefully revisit why they feel some kind of weird need to highlight the transness of his harassers
I wonder how many plumbers have put their kids through school based on the number of would-be cooking influencers telling people to pour the grease out of a pan straight into the sink
forgive me for I have shopped on prime day, but the cats, my god, there is so much hair and the handheld vaccuum gave up the ghost months ago, I will give myself 50 lashes with a belt buckle
With every book I've ever written, the biggest problem in revision has been chapters. Chapter breaks. Chapter titles. When to combine chapters. When to make a new chapter. Fuck chapters, is what I'm saying. Somebody just let me write a book with no chapters, just * denoting scene changes.
hillbilly dipshit amirite
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Mac Robinson: Emulation Pioneer
Lotta things competing in my head to be my next text-quote tattoo. Leading contenders Forth, and fear no darkness! Pain or damage don't end the world A man is a product of All the people that he ever loved
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Now watching the most important political movie of our time - Predator. It gave us two governors and tbh a third state should've given Carl Weathers a shot
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If someone makes a thing and posts it online and you slither in to say how it could be better, how you would have done it differently, you realise that's real "fart in an elevator" territory, right?
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We all need it again, so I’m bringing this back: 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯 That thing 🕯 you’ve been 🕯 waiting for 🕯 🕯 🕯 🕯