
Kamala Harris could win. Not a sure thing, of course. Nothing is. And I don't know what Biden should do. But many discounting how she'd be received given what she'd be replacing and especially running against. Are there really more "too female" or "too Black" voters than "too old" voters? Doubt it.
Until the 2016 election, I had assumed that racism ran more strongly in the American electorate than misogyny. I was wrong.
A lot of the handwringing seems to be “but the Times will slime her too.” Sure. Probably. But the built in narrative of young Black woman takes up mantle from fading old white male mentor is gonna be pretty appealing to a lot of normie Times readers so I dunno.
Yes. And the Times in particular is already at (or awfully close to) maximum slime. Guessing how the New York Times will react is a bad basis for a consequential decision in the first place. And NYT's level of negativity about Biden makes the concern moot in this specific case.
If he makes her the nominee but doesn’t resign, does the NYT sliming of his age and supposed infirmity diminish at all? Or does it shift to “raises questions about his ability to govern”? Which then is used to push her campaign into a bind of either continuing to defend Biden, or splitting with him?
does she have *emails* though?
She has a laugh some people don't like, I think? I'm sure it'll be something.
goodness knows it's only good to laugh if someone is getting hurt, so, there's that.
Kamala’s relationship with Willie Brown is absolutely going to be a hot topic the right will never shut up about
Harris-Newsom or Harris-Buttigeg is easily a better ticket than Joe right now
They could announce that ticket right now. Biden’s age is already a huge issue. Having Harris name her VP choice “just in case” is not going to make it worse, and they can basically campaign together in stark contrast to Trump, who could never run a “team” campaign.
Can’t be Newsom. They’d be giving up California electoral votes. A Southern white male governor seems a smart bet.
Switching out the incumbent is a bad idea before we get into the wisdom of dropping Joe Biden, which I think is also a bad idea Everyone is hand waving the chaos this will unleash and that the current bad news cycle is entirely circular and fabricated
I assume the "too female", "too Black" and the "too old" groups are largely the same.
Given that the most popular Dem is Michelle Obama,I don't think it's about Black or woman with Kamala. I think it's perceived California liberalism that's the issue. Same with newsome (yes, I'm aware, in reality they're not very far left)
Timing matters. Early July is not it. Joe should have a scary health crisis and step aside, but in October. At 81, does not require much embellishment. Do not give the media months to grind this woman down. Maximize sympathy. The short campaign should center voting for democracy, not a candidate.
lol why on earth would you doubt that