
Joe Biden giving the media a smackdown this morning was a great way to start the week off.
I thought he did very well in that interview. The questions, were extremely disturbing, however! They were this MSM crap that never gets asked of the psychopath!
Fuck the media! They are doing to him what they did to HRC. And, fuck the 4 Dems suggesting he step down. Someone needs to do a deep dive and check what dark money group is paying them. People do not grasp that switching candidates so close to the election is a sure way for Trump to win. FUCK THAT!!
Exactly! And here’s the other thing, when has the choices in life ever not been scary? Yeah, we are in a scary time, but we have to play the hand we have. Biden has shown that in spite of his age he is sharp and he knows the stakes.
Every day since Inauguration Day in 2017 has been scary. What should terrify is Project 2025, Agenda 47, Trump wanting to test nukes in the “real world”, Stephen Miller as AG, Mike Flynn as the Joint Chiefs of Staff, & whatever crazy loyalists he appoints. Then there’s him replacing Alito & Thomas
On the up side, he hasn’t been in public for 10 days. 😏
His handlers don’t want him inadvertently being questioned about his true association with Project 2025 since he doesn’t know how to keep his suck shut.
Plus he literally has no idea how government actually works, including legislation v agency regulation, so he'd immediately find himself drowning in the deep end with nothing but word salad to save him.
I can’t possibly disagree with your logic or reasoning since it’s completely 💯% accurate. Not completely dissimilar to MTG incoherent nonsensical blithering and a disgrace to the great state of Ga. They both need to be sent packing once and for all!!! #VoteBlue
Watched this yet? I’d highly recommend you do.
It should make you realize just how close this whole country was in the last election to losing our entire democracy so they could put this moron back into the Oval Office to finish what he started in 2016. Project 2025, #SCOTUS and the billionaires funding and controlling our media got an agenda.
If he manages to get elected it is the end of our democracy for sure! He will finish us off! And ppl on our side have the audacity to rip Biden apart.🤬 Are they out of their minds! 🤬
It’s simply part of their agenda.
The people trying to rip President Biden apart are NOT on our side. They're paid agents provocateur. This is classic KGB tactics straight out of the early 1970s.
Even though I argue strongly to #ReplaceBiden, all I really care about is beating the Treasonous, Nazi Motherfuck out of Trump. In the end, 'ANY 🔵 WILL DO THAT HAS THE BEST CHANCE OF BEATING TRUMP. If Biden is not that person,he must go no matter your feelings for him.
Biden? Harris? I don't care. Stopping Trump and Project 2025 is all that matters. (USA Today) Democrats are all atwitter, having a hard but necessary discussion about President Joe Biden’s age and ability to continue as the party’s presidential candid...
Watch the trailer, this is what 30% of the country wants to do. And yes, they are the Christian Taliban.
I’ve watched the entire documentary on Prime and feel it is important enough that it needs to be viewed by anyone who hopes to continue living in a democracy rather than a fascist dictatorship with a criminal in the Oval Office because there isn’t going to be a do over. If he gets in we’re done!!!
We have Prime, I'll give it a watch. At worse, I'll give YouTube a few bucks. Well spent.
I have Prime, they still charged me .99 go figure lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣
It's not on Prime I tried to find it
We better All show up and vote!! Say NO to the Christian Taliban!
Yep, the Christian Taliban (aka Christofascists/Christian nationalists/Talibangelicals) wanna go there. IMO, their tragic, fundamental(ist) mistake is assuming compliance. In a nation with more guns than people, I don't think this goes the way they think and want.
I'm in agreement. At this point, I perceive the MAGA as the number one threat to anyone not in the cult. I would certainly fight them rather than comply with anything they stand for.
I am a former hunter. I know guns. Count me in, if needed...🇺🇸🙌🏻👊🏻
Christian Taliban: I would agree white christian nationalists are exactly that by comparison
I've always been fond of "Talibangelists" too.
Same basic ideas, it's about control, nothing else, just a different religion to hide behind. And very few in the Christian community are remotely bothered by this. Old Jesus is dead, now it's white AR-15 toting Jesus.
Respectfully disagree. MANY of us in the Christian community never voted for Trump because we clearly saw his hatefulness and knew he’d be a danger - we just couldn’t imagine he’d be enabled by so many. The so-called “Christians” following him have rejected Jesus’ teachings to love their neighbors.
All religions are things to hide behind. The Palestinian Jesus would philosophically disagree with what evangelical white christian nationalists call Christ or Christian in America.
Awesome 👏👏👏 Not everyone subscribes to PRIME and this really does provide some clarity and understanding about what an actual threat to democracy this smug, arrogant little orange pos poses to our country!!! #Fact
It is not on Prime or YouTube
Here’s a screen shot of it on Prime from my iPad.
I have looked & I have the app & it's not there. It's been a hour of looking I give up
It is not on my app & the subject is finished.
Dunno what to tell you, you can’t find it? Give up but while you’re doing that. Don’t tell me it ain’t there.
You can watch this on YouTube, AmazonPrime, Tubi, AppleTV, and perhaps other streaming services. Rotten Tomatoes gave it a VERY high rating.
Appreciate the information about the other sources. Thank you!!! I watched on Prime!!! 🙏🙏🙏🤝