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Politics and culture from the left.
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Wrote about the big lesson from (gestures around) all of this, which is that there is nobody coming to save us from fascism, or whatever is about to hit us. It is up to us to save ourselves, and we can do it. www.discourseblog.com/p/nobody-can...
Nobody Can Save Us But Uswww.discourseblog.com Democrats are not going to stop Trump, or Trumpism, on our behalf. We have to do that ourselves—and we can.
"Is it stupid to focus on Biden’s face? No, because in many ways, his face is the point. Now that the world is clued into just how far gone he is, it seems the best they can do is put a coat of paint on him and see if that helps." www.discourseblog.com/p/what-joe-b...
What Joe Biden's Unsettling Orange Face Is Really Telling Uswww.discourseblog.com It's a vivid symbol of everything he's doing wrong right now.
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Today on @discourseblog.com we have a really brilliant piece from @caitschneider.bsky.social about the political significance of Joe Biden's increasingly unsettling orange spray-tan, and what it says about the crisis we currently face. A must-read! www.discourseblog.com/p/what-joe-b...
What Joe Biden's Unsettling Orange Face Is Really Telling Uswww.discourseblog.com It's a vivid symbol of everything he's doing wrong right now.
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I wrote about one of the most infuriating subplots of the Biden crisis: the insistence that he is a "good man." Please look at the genocide in Gaza and then try to tell me that. www.discourseblog.com/p/please-don...
Please Don't Try to Tell Me Joe Biden Is a Good Manwww.discourseblog.com It is simply not true.
"We do not have to be gentle to the most powerful man in the world." Read @jscros.bsky.social on the idea that we have to treat Joe Biden like he's a random 81-year-old instead of the president of the United States. www.discourseblog.com/p/the-presid...
The President Does Not Deserve Our Gracewww.discourseblog.com We do not have to be gentle to the most powerful man in the world.
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I woke up this morning feeling profound anger: at Biden, at his cynical backers and mindless sycophants, at this rotten mess of a supposed democracy—at all of it. I hope you're angry too www.discourseblog.com/p/you-should...
You Should Be Furious Right Nowwww.discourseblog.com I am angry that I live in a country that has produced this nightmare.
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Jamaal Bowman was called antisemitic for saying Israel's claims to represent all Jews make Jews less safe. But that's not antisemitism—it's just a statement of the very, very obvious. www.discourseblog.com/p/of-course-...
Of Course Israel Makes Jews Less Safewww.discourseblog.com Jamaal Bowman is getting attacked for saying that Israel claims to represent all Jews. But Israel does exactly that, all the time.
We know you might have lost trust in the media after today's Chomsky-related mess. But trust us: everything on this list of things that Rafi commemorates every year, from the Battle of Cable Street to Lenny Kravitz's dick flopping out of his pants, happened www.discourseblog.com/p/these-are-...
These are the Dates I Choose to Rememberwww.discourseblog.com A brief overview of my annual observances, from Lenny Kravitz's dick to the Battle of Cable Street.
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Folks help me out here, is it a bad sign if a prominent political figure goes on Israeli television and approvingly quotes Hitler while discussing Gaza? www.discourseblog.com/p/i-guess-th...
I Guess They're Going Full Hitler Nowwww.discourseblog.com Is it bad if you approvingly invoke the Nazis while demanding genocide in Gaza?
BREAKING MERCH NEWS: DISCOURSE BLOG NOW HAS MERCH FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! We've got stickers and magnets of our Pride bird AND our iconic original bird! Click here to get yours: discourseblog.myshopify.com
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The White House has been telling a very obvious lie about a Gaza ceasefire for over a week, and some of our leading journalists are allowing the administration to get away with it www.discourseblog.com/p/can-these-...
Can These Journalists Maybe Point Out That the White House Is Lying Through Its Teethwww.discourseblog.com Guess not.
It's GAY ANIMAL MONTH at Discourse Blog! Tune in all throughout June for good blogs about gay animals :) www.discourseblog.com/t/gay-animal...
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Crazy idea: maybe instead of doing 700 dumb reorgs and doomed AI pivots, gajillionaire owners like Jeff Bezos can just hand over a blank check to their journalists and get the hell out of the way www.discourseblog.com/p/just-give-...
Just Give the Journalists the Goddamn Moneywww.discourseblog.com Looking at you Jeff Bezos!
This blog not only contains a good rant about how private equity sucks, it also contains an exclusive picture of @jscros.bsky.social from when he was just a little football-loving urchin!!! www.discourseblog.com/p/private-eq...
Private Equity is Ruining My Weekendswww.discourseblog.com An American investment firm is running my beloved Chelsea Football Club into the ground.
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