Jack Mirkinson

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Jack Mirkinson


Senior editor, The Nation (@thenation.com) | Editor/co-owner, Discourse Blog (@discourseblog.com)

Get in touch: jmirkinson at thenation dot com / jack at discourseblog dot com
Reposted byAvatar Jack Mirkinson
Reposted byAvatar Jack Mirkinson
His son is about 2.5 years old. Unspeakable cruelty.
I'm so proud to have this piece in @thenation.com. It's by journalist Mohammed Mhawish, and it's about what happened when he fled Gaza with his family. I know there's a lot going on in the news, but please, please read this. You need to know what Israel is doing. www.thenation.com/article/worl...
“I Heard a Machine Gun Being Loaded”: A Harrowing Escape From Gazawww.thenation.com I knew the journey might be dangerous. I never thought it would be this cruel.
Reposted byAvatar Jack Mirkinson
Wrote for @discourseblog.com about how Biden's campaign is insulting our intelligence and treating us with contempt by asking us to pretend that we didn't see what we all so clearly saw last week www.discourseblog.com/p/they-think...
They Think We're Stupidwww.discourseblog.com Democrats have to decided to handle Biden's debate fiasco by insulting our intelligence and treating us with contempt.
I'm so proud to have this piece in @thenation.com. It's by journalist Mohammed Mhawish, and it's about what happened when he fled Gaza with his family. I know there's a lot going on in the news, but please, please read this. You need to know what Israel is doing. www.thenation.com/article/worl...
“I Heard a Machine Gun Being Loaded”: A Harrowing Escape From Gazawww.thenation.com I knew the journey might be dangerous. I never thought it would be this cruel.
I woke up this morning feeling profound anger: at Biden, at his cynical backers and mindless sycophants, at this rotten mess of a supposed democracy—at all of it. I hope you're angry too www.discourseblog.com/p/you-should...
You Should Be Furious Right Nowwww.discourseblog.com I am angry that I live in a country that has produced this nightmare.
Everything about how AIPAC intervened in the Bowman-Latimer race is grotesque, and no matter your feelings about Bowman, what happened in his primary is antithetical to how a democracy should function www.discourseblog.com/p/maybe-this...
Maybe This Is Not How a Democracy Should Functionwww.discourseblog.com What if you couldn't spend infinity dollars to swing an election? Just a thought!
Jamaal Bowman was called antisemitic for saying Israel's claims to represent all Jews make Jews less safe. But that's not antisemitism—it's just a statement of the very, very obvious. www.discourseblog.com/p/of-course-...
Of Course Israel Makes Jews Less Safewww.discourseblog.com Jamaal Bowman is getting attacked for saying that Israel claims to represent all Jews. But Israel does exactly that, all the time.
Folks help me out here, is it a bad sign if a prominent political figure goes on Israeli television and approvingly quotes Hitler while discussing Gaza? www.discourseblog.com/p/i-guess-th...
I Guess They're Going Full Hitler Nowwww.discourseblog.com Is it bad if you approvingly invoke the Nazis while demanding genocide in Gaza?
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BREAKING MERCH NEWS: DISCOURSE BLOG NOW HAS MERCH FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER! We've got stickers and magnets of our Pride bird AND our iconic original bird! Click here to get yours: discourseblog.myshopify.com
The White House has been telling a very obvious lie about a Gaza ceasefire for over a week, and some of our leading journalists are allowing the administration to get away with it www.discourseblog.com/p/can-these-...
Can These Journalists Maybe Point Out That the White House Is Lying Through Its Teethwww.discourseblog.com Guess not.
Crazy idea: maybe instead of doing 700 dumb reorgs and doomed AI pivots, gajillionaire owners like Jeff Bezos can just hand over a blank check to their journalists and get the hell out of the way www.discourseblog.com/p/just-give-...
Just Give the Journalists the Goddamn Moneywww.discourseblog.com Looking at you Jeff Bezos!
Not to get controversial but, after the horrors in Rafah, I'm starting to suspect that Joe Biden doesn't actually want Israel to stop its war on Gaza www.discourseblog.com/p/im-startin...
I'm Starting to Suspect That Biden Doesn't Actually Want Israel to Stopwww.discourseblog.com I know, I know, but hear me out.
the excuse the post is offering for not running this obviously relevant news story is ridiculous
This is the kind of shit I was talking about when I described the culture of supreme court reporting being one of extraordinary deference to the justices www.washingtonpost.com/politics/202...
Reposted byAvatar Jack Mirkinson
Oh, so literally NO ONE is supposed to do war crimes?!?
Reposted byAvatar Jack Mirkinson
NYC mayor Eric Adams, defending NYPD's response to pro-Palestinian protests in Bay Ridge, Brookyn, asks why nobody sends the NYPD thank-you notes for all the good they do www.youtube.com/watch?v=TU8g...
Reposted byAvatar Jack Mirkinson
Reminder that Williams beat the shit out of his girlfriend and blamed it on the corrosive influence of hip-hop culture in his memoir
No. Fucking. Way.
since biden has refused to break with israel in any meaningful sense, and shows no signs of doing so in the future, he can’t really mollify the protesters. so he has no choice but to ignore them or proclaim that they don’t matter
“Several top White House aides say they are confident protests across U.S. college campuses against Israel's offensive in Gaza will not translate into significantly fewer votes for Joe Biden in November's election, despite polls showing many Democrats are deeply unhappy…”
Despite polls, Biden aides insist Gaza campus protests will not hurt reelection bidwww.reuters.com Faced with a choice between Biden and Trump, many officials remain confident even Democrats who oppose U.S. policy will choose Biden.
Reposted byAvatar Jack Mirkinson
Reposted byAvatar Jack Mirkinson
this is yet another reason that police unions are a disaster that must be dismantled - they have built for themselves a structure that financially incentivizes pain and suffering and oppression in the name of endless overtime pay
you would have no way of knowing from this nyt piece that there are many american jews with deep objections to biden’s speech, because it pretends those people don’t exist www.nytimes.com/2024/05/07/u...
beginning to suspect that everyone reporting on these protests for the new york times has just woken up from a 150-year-long coma www.nytimes.com/2024/05/01/u...
Reposted byAvatar Jack Mirkinson
"In the U.S., if enough people assemble to protest something the state is hellbent on preserving, the cops will be deployed to stop it by any means necessary. All in the name of control. All so that Israel can continue murdering people in Gaza." www.discourseblog.com/p/fuck-the-c...
Fuck The Cops. Fuck This System. Free Palestine.www.discourseblog.com What happened on Tuesday night was terrifying. But it’s also a sign that this is working.