
i swear to god. people will spend eight goddamn years complaining about how friendly the new york times is to donald trump and then just... keep accepting their framing. apparently forever. it's a provincial newspaper run by a sixth generation failson. have some self respect
it's all "fuck the MSM" until the MSM validates my priors
look, the evidence does support that Biden's had a lot of birthdays.
Listen the times completely fucked us in 2016 but this time they totally know what’s best for us.
They obviously know, that's how they can do the opposite!
Even further back. Does America accept Donald Trump as a business genius without the NYT shilling and cheerleading from his emergence on the scene?
I think this overstates the reach of the Times, honestly.
I mostly agree with you about their reach, but when the subject is specifically Donald Trump he was a colorful local character to them for many, many years
Sure. But I think the media’s culpability in 2016 Trump’s a lot more about cable “news” than the elite rag, you know? And Trump was always more Post bait than Times bait IIRC.
We're just stuck at meta-levels, all the same. If Biden is suffering from dementia, it's not going to change anyone's vote here, or on Twitter, or on the NYT Editorial board. Total non-factor. We also have no way to even say if Biden's brain is good or not, or ever has been! SO.
We can't talk about the thing because we don't know, and we can't talk about how the thing affects us because we know nothing would change our votes. That leaves the third level: how will OTHER people react to the thing, but they don't know either bc what even is the thing?
Leaving us as "Will hypothetical undecided voters dislike Biden for his affect SEEMING old and confused, and therefore vote against him or not vote? And how would alternatives work?" And that's so abstract it's perfect for punditry.
Because the like, genuine, thoughtful answer to all of this is "it literally makes no difference, we have to stop Trump and you should vote for Biden even if we discover he's been dead since 2022."
unfortunately, and despite his best efforts, biden remains an 81 year-old man regardless of the new york times' stance on him
I don't see the point in complaining that some evil fucks with vested interests are pointing out he's completely decrepit, when the point people "falling for it" make is that evil fucks are well aware he's completely decrepit
i don't think he's completely decrepit
It’s worldle with a few nice essays
Wouldn’t surprise me if they run the same circles and are particularly friendly to him. As friendly as the National Enquirer.
Maggie Haberman got a Pulitzer for basically being a stenographer for Javanka and even after it came out she was, at best, friendly with his campaign nothing really changed about her or the NYT in the eyes of a lot of people.
When you know who Ralph Townsend is… you know NYT always sucked