
This bitch really told me she’d be ok being called a n—— if we redistributed wealth because then the word wouldn’t have any power. If society collapses imma hunt her.
I hate her I hate everything she represents I’m gonna [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] her [redacted]
But Kaitlin, there is no race, there is only class.
I still remember the day one of my favorite writers went absolutely bananas on me when I said that class is one intersection but race is *absolutely* another and being rich and black is nowhere near the same as being rich and white, because rich white people don't get followed in Saks
Like it was genuinely shocking how vicious he was. and completely unafraid to use the most humilating language he could fit in 140 characters.
that’s is absolutely horrible. sometimes dealing with white liberals who profess to be allies can be like traipsing thru a minefield. you never know what you’re going to say that’s going to contradict their tidy little worldview and absolutely trigger them.
Amazing how many years people can be alive without putting those things together.
It’s really frustrating how many people who look like me refuse to understand that.
I’ll say though that white supremacy is a helluva drug. Even I, who grew up with a Black History professor dad, didn’t completely grasp how racism affects even very privileged Black people until I saw it up close. Part of being white is being encouraged not to see it.
Anyway, sorry if this detailed. Back to listening mode.
This is disproved by Arnerson & Gygax (1974)