Doug Parr

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Doug Parr

Greenpeace UK chief sci, policy director
Over 80 groups incl Amnesty & Oxfam call for corporate climate standards bodies to exclude carbon offsets from counting towards net zero targets They argue, amongst other things, that the use offsets undermines real-world emissions reductions
NGOs call for exclusion of carbon offset credits from corporate climate Dozens of campaigning organisations have signed statement warning that carbon offsetting 'undermines' corporate climate targets
Cameron’s ambassador to USA endorses Labour energy decarbonisation plans “The idea that we can insulate ourselves from external shocks with a licensing free-for-all in the North Sea is a fantasy”
Britain’s former ambassador to US backs Labour’s energy Sir Kim Darroch says next government must build ‘shock-proof foundation for energy system’ and hits out at Tory net zero ‘culture war’
There's nothing normal about a 'business' that says its only asset, that it's been looking after for 30 years, is in decline & risk to public safety Privatisation has failed. Ownership in public interest may have its issues - shouldn't be as bad as this
Thames Water warns ageing assets pose ‘risk to public safety’ Supplier to London and much of southern England says £19bn of assets are failing as Ofwat weighs approving hike in bills
Sometimes does my head in that political ‘debate’ in UK is so brainless Net Zero cost hundreds of billions. But COMPARED TO WHAT???? New fired power stations are currently subsidised, for example, and gas price crisis has cost UK hundreds of billions
Labour say net zero by 2050 will cost ‘hundreds of billions’ Darren Jones, shadow chief ­secretary to the Treasury, described the original £28 billion pledge as a ‘tiny amount’
The state of England's rivers wasn't great in 2013, but the rise in raw sewage dumping has been key in meaning not a single river of good quality in 2019 It is likely to have got worse since then
What's depressing about this is that it's been known for years and little has happened to change it, despite it being necessary Part of the blame lies with the gas industry for promoting confusion about home heating by its bogus promotion of hydrogen
UK’s drive to install heat pumps stymied by ‘lack of demand and skill shortage’ Almost a third of installers surveyed say finding skilled fitters is a barrier for customers, while 40% note lack of interest
Legal judgment says UK planning needs to account for environmental impact of burning fossil fuels Weirdly before now planners assumed climate impact of new fossil fuels not their problem Could reopen go-aheads for Cumbria coal mine, Rosebank oil field
Landmark supreme court ruling could threaten future UK oil Supreme Court has ruled Surrey Council should have considered climate change impacts of new oil wells.
The watchdog for England’s rivers & seas has been late to about 3/4 of most serious pollution incidents “The Environment Agency has been so hamstrung by such savage funding cuts by successive Conservative governments that it’s now practically defunct.”
Environment Agency late to most serious pollution Officers also failed to attend nearly 1,000 sewage discharges, oil spills and other pollution incidents, data shows
Global poll by on how fast people want to transition to clean energy and away from fossil fuels Includes populations from Saudi, Russia, Nigeria, Iran There is no lack of desire to move quickly in almost all countries
Could genuinely sustainable aviation fuel be on the horizon? Oxford Uni spin-out has created a single-step process to convert CO2 & hydrogen into kerosene. Pilot plant to be constructed on Yorkshire coast BUT costs very uncertain
OXCCU to build 'world first' sustainable aviation fuel plant at Saltend Chemicals Humberside chemical plant-owner confirms plans for ground-breaking project to convert carbon dioxide and green hydrogen into sustainable aviation fuels
In case anyone is taken in by the Reform Party UK manifesto launch today, saying we should scrap commitment to net zero, here's global investment in clean energy & technology at the moment Reform would seek to remove us form this international investment pot 1/4
Wind turbine blade factory planned for Leith near Edinburgh, to be built by Vestas, to serve offshore wind farm development Leith being the place Keir Starmer launched Labour Green Prosperity Plan last year Around 1000 jobs expected
Green jobs boost under wind turbine factory plans in The Danish group Vestas wants to build a factory manufacturing the 115m offshore blades in Leith, which could create hundreds of jobs
First Liquid Air long duration storage plant gets go ahead in Manchester Highview Power say building work will start immediately, operational 2026 It allows power generated by wind and solar to be stored for weeks, say the company
'Huge boost' for region as £300m green energy plant to create hundreds of Plant would store energy from wind turbines to release into the grid when needed
180 UK scientists write to environment leads of political parties saying nature loss needs to be focus of Election campaign Need to "legislate to halt and reverse biodiversity loss" as not doing so "is a risk to UK prosperity" H/T
The UK’s nature restoration plans have some big holes – here’s how to fill Top conservation scientists demand a legally-binding requirement to reverse biodiversity loss at home and overseas.
So in addition to the death & suffering, the pointlessness and illegality, the Ukraine war has generated 175mn tonnes of CO2eq That's about half the annual emissions of UK
Not good - collapse price of oil = increase consumption New North Sea oil licences look pointless - it's a high production cost area If new licences are an issue in the UK general election, seems more and more about culture wars, and little to do with energy policy
Slowing demand growth and surging supply put global oil markets on course for major surplus this decade - News - Slowing demand growth and surging supply put global oil markets on course for major surplus this decade - News from the International Energy Agency
EU to impose tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles, along with USA It's the landing point for serious failure by West on clean tech strategy China was very clear nearly a decade ago it would use electric vehicles to gain ascendancy in global car production
EU to impose multibillion-euro tariffs on Chinese electric Brussels moves ahead with additional duties of up to 25% despite opposition from Germany
Trump vows to ‘drill, baby, drill’ despite rally attendees hospitalised in extreme heat, where temperatures have broken records The perfect vignette of human approach to climate change See also Australia, now the EU etc.
Trump vows to ‘drill, baby, drill’ despite rally attendees wilting in extreme Supporters hospitalized following rallies in Las Vegas and Phoenix, where temperatures have broken records
Over 400 UK scientists write to party leaders in election calling for credible plans on hitting 2050 "It seems the main political parties have failed to grasp just how much British voters are going to be affected by [climate change] over the next 5 years"
‘Disappointing and surprising’: Why isn’t this a climate election in the UK? More than 400 scientists write to political parties urging ambitious action or risk making Britain and the world ‘more dangerous and insecure’
Secret courts have awarded fossil fuel companies well over $100bn of taxpayers money in compensation ISDS courts give foreign investors the right to sue states for when their anticipated profits are affected by public measures such as green regulations
Investors awarded billions of dollars for losses related to climate laws, analysis Fossil fuel firms are biggest beneficiaries of investor-state dispute settlement courts which have awarded $114bn of public money
Clean energy investment is now seriously outpacing fossil fuels say International Energy Agency But likely too little, too late to stop dangerous climate change - fossil fuel investment is still edging up