
I will forever be remembering the time I made a post on twitter about how biking is good and people should bike more and drive less and someone got really mad at me and told me that I don't understand how impossibly humid it is in the south because I live in Texas, a desert.
this entire state looks like a roadrunner cartoon background, yep
I think I've posted about this before on here, it's just an alltime dumbo take that has stuck in my head and rings out again every time I step outside and my glasses fog up, despite me living in a giant sand trap I guess
if gaming has taught me anything it's that people will just confidently be completely wrong about very obvious and widely known info
one time i echoed your description of austin as "verdant" to someone and they both didn't believe me and made fun of me for using a fancy word
I am staring out of my garage door at a bunch of trees right at this exact moment
I'm looking out the office window. nothing but trees