Rory Blank (on vacation)

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Rory Blank (on vacation)

Bone Jail

I draw comics i think that’s a nice way to spend my time for my monthly print zine for cool shirts
In hindsight, I wish instead of having the black spy be clearly legibly the black spy, it would have been more poignant to have him in a hospital gown so you couldn't even tell who was on which side, but I feel like it was necessary for legibility to have one in their normal costume.
spy vs spy redux (2023)
jacob rees-mogg has to lose while standing next to a guy wearing a baked beans-themed balaclava
happy july 4th
I'm sorry, I know that this is an extremely mundane request for someone who went to the trouble of learning a second (or third or fourth) language, but I bought some shirts from a Japanese company, would anyone be willing to translate/summarize the care instructions for me?
I think Sekiro is probably my favorite of Hidetaka Miyazaki's games. I've played through it twice and the first time I had no idea what I was doing and sucked shit at it and was miserable. I started over and paid more attention to the tutorials until it clicked and once it clicks it's exhilarating
honestly they’re kinda cooking with this
Finished the Fourth of July beer mile directly behind a very cool old guy. Couldn’t bring myself to sprint the finish, he earned it.
Tough picking a t-shirt this morning but I think I chose the right one.
going to the san antonio riverwalk to point at things and say "that was in cloak and dagger" until my girlfriend tells me to shut up
I wonder if it would help my career as a cartoonist if I started emphasizing that I have never been convicted of any felonies, but I can’t make the same guarantee about any other cartoonists. I mean none of the other guys have said they haven’t so as far as I know I’m the only one.
I just watched a heron absolutely house a crawfish out of the ditch near my house
my mom used to be really into alternative medicine and I subsequently took probably hundreds or thousands of doses of echinacea and arnica as a kid and for the life of me I could not possibly tell you what those things are or what they're supposed to do
man remember when yelling "hyaawwwgh" was enough to disqualify you from being president
i am going to solve the cyberpunk discourse forever, part 2: the punks. 19,185 words on the history of punk, cyberpunk, and how it's all fake and what it means to be an artist. if you like it, please share! I could use tips to pay for my diabetic care
i am going to solve the cyberpunk discourse forever, part 2: the “Cyberpunk 2077,” they said, “isn’t really Punk. It’s a Corporate Product, made out of Corporate Greed. It completely Misses The Point of…
i have befallen a terrible curse where i have to make t-shirt designs every month, here are 2 new ones
last day
i have befallen a terrible curse where i have to make t-shirt designs every month, here are 2 new ones
last day
this new design i've made may help determine where your soul spends the next 100000000000000000 years, are you sure that's something you want to risk by going in unknowing?
last day
i drew this to put on on shirts for people to wear to help them feel strong and powerful like a tiger i hope this helps
I lied this wasn't actually my big takeaway, my big takeaway was thinking about the specifics of detective fiction set in California and the preponderance of stories that seem to all ultimately point to California as being a specifically corrupt and evil place.
i saw Chinatown for the first time tonight, and the biggest thing I have to say about it is I understand a joke from an episode of The Venture Bros that had gone over my head for 18 years.
i saw Chinatown for the first time tonight, and the biggest thing I have to say about it is I understand a joke from an episode of The Venture Bros that had gone over my head for 18 years.
A good chunk of people who voted for Trump in 2016 said that they considered him the more moderate candidate. A decent number of people who voted for Biden in the 2020 primaries said they supported medicare for all and it was their top issue. Stop expecting voters to make rational choices lol