Brian Stelter

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Brian Stelter

Media nerd. Stay at home dad. Vanity Fair special correspondent. Shorenstein fellow. Writing a book called NETWORK OF LIES. Trying to keep it kinda light on here.
I'm back at NBC this evening, about to be on @NBCNewsNow, analyzing the latest moves by Tucker Carlson. Here's the YouTube live stream:
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In a tweeted video, @TuckerCarlson said he will be bringing his show…to @Twitter. No details of when or $. His claims, out of context: -“The news you consume is a lie” -“You are being manipulated” -“I’m misleading you” I’m expecting a “thinly disguised propaganda outlet” on a partisan platform.
Reposted byAvatar Brian Stelter
Elon Musk joined the far right in trying to discredit reports that the Texas mall shooter had an online profile packed with pro-Nazi content, even speculating that it could be a "psyop." Meanwhile, he's liking tweets about keeping immigrants out of the U.S.
Elon Musk Flirts With Conspiracy Theories About Texas Mall Elon Musk is agreeing with right-wingers who believe that the Texas mall shooter, despite his Nazi tattoos, wasn't really a white supremacist
Reposted byAvatar Brian Stelter
Reposted byAvatar Brian Stelter
Thank you thank you for the invite to this party 🎉
Welcome to Bluesky! 👋
My first act on Bluesky is to quote "An opportunity like this hasn’t come along since Twitter’s earliest days. The demand for something like Bluesky is clear, and the energy around it is real."
End of feed.