
I think that’s why it’s hard for me to watch this stuff from Middle America, as a person who works in homelessness prevention The answers are STARK and CLEAR and it doesn’t involve institutionalizing anybody. It requires rich coastal NIMBYs to not be motherfucking assholes
From Axios Boston, this startling statistic and on point commentary. The suburban backlash against zoning reform is so self serving and short sighted. It’s driving the housing crisis not just for lower income folks but also for the very kids who grew up in those suburbs and now can’t live there.
The way the left in DC absolutely loathe our mayor for supporting construction of housing but she's the first one to actually get DC to both meet and exceed the long run planned need makes me think they're actually just racists/fascists when you scratch the surface.
DC is the only long time blue city on the East Coast that has a decade plus of housing construction. Atlanta and every southern city does too but north of DC? Absolutely not. The DC suburbs are generally not doing their part.
the DC left - at least the ones on the council - are generally pro-construction. We loathe the mayor because she's anti-bike lanes 😉
maybe I shouldn't say we, I don't know if I count as left in DC
I'd rather have more housing than white lanes. A lot of Bikedc is younger white men who think they're more appealing than they are and are mad being white men isn't enough to get their own way, have to actually talk to other people to build coalitions. Blows their minds.
I've been watching this dance for 25 years, DC's cyclists have gone out of their own way to blow up any possible coalitions and improvements because they believe they are entitled. No improvements for transit, only bikes.
Bowser is as much anti-transit as she is anti-biking. She's just pro-car
She's an Empty Pantsuit, and still better than either White. Bike people hate the bus more than she does although I'd consider revision of that sentiment if she manages to kill off the Circulator.
this is just not true - maybe 20 years ago, but these days the bike lane people and bus people are largely the same people in DC
Housing isn't really in a fight with bike lanes. Robert White, who was Bowser's challenger last time, is pro-building
Robert White is a fucking moron who had absolutely nothing on his resumé except "I'm not her". He hasn't done anything to stick out on his time on the Council. I know which all these people are, I've been here a long ass time.