
Honestly I think of deleting this account all the fucking time, I've stepped away from more and bigger and very often when I'm dealing with the Xth annoying 'but I disagree!' comments from tiny troll accounts I think to myself, why am I, to what end? For what purpose?
I don't know the particulars of why anyone deletes their account, but I can tell you that I get it, whatever it is
for working academics it's time spent not researching, writing, supervising, teaching, etc. and if the public outreach doesn't outweigh those contributions, particularly writing, it can definitely be counterproductive also idiot Republican members of Congress and staff don't read peer-reviewed work
I managed to cross-post with here
I just spoke to Paul Musgrave and he’s totally fine and just wants to take some time off social media to focus on work. All is well, it’s voluntary, and he says he’s touched by the concern.
This place is a nice social outlet intermittently punctured by absolute lunatics screaming at you (99% of the time based on a misunderstanding). So I get why people wake up one morning and are like "eh, might as well move on."
I’ll know I’ve made it when I get more of those, and on that day I will delete this.
Yeah, someone commented today in effect that I seemed to have a very strong list of accounts that followed me despite not having thousands of followers...and there's a real usefulness to social media when you don't have to worry about trolls and can just enjoy life.
Do what you gotta, man! It's been cool to chat* but it is better to break regularly and often than to succumb to the Madness. * - ok mostly I made smartass replies but that's basically chatting
I've played with a prototype for an auto-mute service, tbh. Valuing low-content posts is hard but I think probably doable
I have been using Bluesky like methadone to wean me off of posting entirely. It's working!
I just always assumed you were here for the EJ’s Mom jokes. Like the rest of us.
I keep my account for art and other things. I’ve only been active with muting and blocking on here ever since October. So far I think I’ve done a decent job, without using most of the features on here. Although I do wonder if I need a SFW account. <_<;;;
It’s something I do when I’m on break or just idling about. To kill time. Maybe it’s the same with you? I dunno.