Yoon Ha Lee

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Yoon Ha Lee


On hiatus due to Situation. Thank you for understanding.

Author of MOONSTORM (YA mecha in space, forthcoming June 4, 2024) and Machineries of Empire. Rep'd by Seth Fishman. Owned by a catten. https://linktr.ee/deuceofgears

(trans man, he/him)
Dear world: to commit mini-theremin or not to commit mini-theremin next time I get paid? Asking for me, someone with perfect pitch AND NO GOOD USE CASES FOR IT.
Stupid perfect pitch problems: when I compose, I suck at indicating dynamics/expression because I have STRONG emotional associations with specific pitches, chords, keys, modes. C# is glass and air. A minor/A Dorian is shadow and war. F# major is brittle fae-like crystal with a bit of rainbow.
The bigger problem is that I have no idea how to breathe. I had weapons-grade bronchitis when I was younger and have spent a large part of my life breathing SHALLOWLY so I don't go into coughing fits.
It is certainly A Feeling when you want to learn how to sing other than "in tune, but like a robot" but the only song you know of that's in your range and that you're able to sing-ish and is not a folk song with a range of ~a fifth is the Phantom's half of "Phantom of the Opera."
...I should not be allowed to doodle things.
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If anyone knows any charities that have a mission - in whole or in part - to providing low-cost veterinary care to people who can't afford large bills, please let me know.
A quilt that was on display at my public library a few weeks back. They rotate displays of tatting, crochet, art by local artists and students, etc.
Does anyone know if modern 투전 (鬪牋, tujeon) / 투패 (鬪牌, tupae) cards are available for purchase anywhere online, or are they straight-up extinct? I'm familiar with 화투 (Go-Stop, hanafuda) but can't find tujeon for love or money online in English search.
If you see this, post a picture from whatever device you’re using without explanation (if you feel like it).
If you see this, I IMPLORE you to post a picture from whatever device you’re using without explanation.
Links for shopping for a cute smol wallet that is NOT black so I don't lose it in my ALL BLACK ALL THE TIME backpack? (No leather - I love leather, but at that point I could just make my own and put foxes all over it. God knows I'm sitting on a bunch of leather needs used.)
There's also Labyrinth Tarot but I am the only person who ignored the Goblin King because the logic puzzle was more interesting...
Wait, maybe Supernatural Tarot IS the gun + cat Tarot of my dreams?!
@giandujakiss.bsky.social ! Although I bet everyone knew already. XD
WH40k: Inquisitory: Martyr Husband: "Time to do maintenance on your inventory..." Me: "Should I just not pick up loot?" Husband: :headtilt: "Not...pick up...loot?!?!" Husband shoots things so he can loot more/better. I loot so I can shoot thing more/better. :)
Having flashbacks to the time my catten lay on my Kinesis (which has programmable keys) such that she programmed the SHIFT KEY to delete a line. Cloud whyyyyyy
SCREAMINGGGG while reorganizing every. email. in. my. writing. folder. and finding one from 2007, I...recovered a story I wrote in college and loved and lost (multiple computer failures, flood destroying backups, etc.). I'm sure the suck fairy has visited it, but it's unreal that this still exists.
Get to know your mutuals. 10 things I enjoy (no particular order) 1. Shooty videogames! 2. fountain pens 3. watercolor sketching 4. composing orchestral music! 5. fencing (EPEE IS BEST) 6. whittling 7. ping pong 8. designing smol games 9. K-pop 10. learning chess
Get to know your mutuals. Ten things I enjoy: (not in any particular order) 1/ Action Movies 2/ Writing SFF and Romance 3/ Fountain Pens 4/ Knitting 5/ Hiking with my dog 6/ Working and planning things around my house 7/ My container garden 8/ Muy Thai 9/ Skiing 10/ Motorcycling
Whittling project commence! Puukko by Martti Malinen (Koivumäki 85)
That moment when you think the title of a used card game is Space Angel Death Hulk, not Space Hulk Death Angel. IN THE GRIM DARK FUTURE OF THE DARK GRIM DICE THERE ARE ONLY TYPOS
My happy place right now is listening to a YouTube Texas weather channel literally for the Soothing Texan Accent of the weather guy. (I'm from Texas. Or perhaps, Teeeeexas.)
WH40k Inquisitor Martyr Me: "DIE CHAOS SPAWN YOU DO NOT GET TO HIT MY HUSBAND FROM ENFILADE!!!!!" Husband: "Uh...appreciated..." :backs away slowly: :) :) :)
Husband: "How are you three levels ahead of me?!" Husband: :checks my equipment: Husband: "YOUR BOLTER GIVES YOU +31% EXPERIENCE?!" He does inventory management because I'm lazy. I just follow him around and shoot everything in sight YESSSS. I can't even remember HOW to access my inventory.
WH40k: Inquisitor: Martyr Husband: "You like to hold down the bolter trigger to spray instead of burst fire, huh." Me: "It has a spin-up time. Burst fire doesn't make sense. It's a RAC5 (Warthog), not a UAC20 (Shadowcat A)." Me: "I can't believe I made a Mechwarrior: Living Legends reference..."
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...when you almost type "power strumpet" instead of "power strip" when requesting your husband buy something on the way home...
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Well, @Casparnova and myself are doing a The Power Fantasy AMA on Reddit, kicking off in an hour's time. Go and ask some questions in advance. www.reddit.com/r/comicbooks...