Gayathri K

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Gayathri K

Writer, more tbd!
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I've been nominated for the Sturgeon Award for the second time! Two times! Me! What in the world... Thank you to everyone showing Tantie, Lincoln & Ignatius so much love. I've made 5 ballots this year & won twice & I could not be more grateful. You've made my year!
2024 Sturgeon Award The finalists for the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award for the best short science fiction story have been announced by the Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction. “The Rainbow Ghosts”, Violet…
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Anyone who grew up poor who wants to tell you that people are poor because they just aren't trying hard enough, or, worse, that they "like it that way" is not someone you should want to sit next to. Perhaps you should throw them out of the bus. When it's moving. On a freeway. Who am I to say.
Get to know your mutuals. Ten things I enjoy: (not in any particular order) 1/ Action Movies 2/ Writing SFF and Romance 3/ Fountain Pens 4/ Knitting 5/ Hiking with my dog 6/ Working and planning things around my house 7/ My container garden 8/ Muy Thai 9/ Skiing 10/ Motorcycling
My lung function is the best its been in the past decade, because I'm not spending 3-4 months with inflammation in my lungs and recovering from whatever bug someone gave me. (I'll keep masking!)
It's too bad this country went insane about masks, seems like they can be useful
Sometimes it's good to talk to people who are going thru the same thing you are - re-framing competence, utilitarian and gorgeous into things this engineer can understand!
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For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
I remember Branscome Richmond being on that show as well! HA! motorcycles and long haired men, my kryptonite! :)
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Just remember: the fascists do not have to win. It is not inevitable.
CAKE OR DEATH! I hope they enjoy it as much as I'm enjoying thinking about it. :)
Doing the most American thing I can think of today and introducing my husband to Suzy Eddie Izzard's Dress To Kill special
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"Nobody used to think men exploiting women was wrong" is up there with "Nobody used to think slavery was wrong" as a really impressive giveaway of who you think counts as "nobody".
Got three sprints done today (25 min each with a 5 min break) taking a break around 430-5 pm to grill some food for dinner. (Working on this space opera that's a cross between movie version of Starship Troopers, and Firefly with 100x less racism, sexism and slut shaming)
I mean, they just said / ruled that judges are subject matter experts.
anyway we can all look forward to when Alito and Thomas declare the founders never wanted anyone to be stopped from adding heavy metals to drinks and Kavanaugh weighs in as the subject matter expert on lacing beverages
Decision was to query 30 agents with my 1st fully completed novel (a fantasy western/pirate story). Agent 30 just sent me a (very nice) personal rejection note. I've been working on novel 2 (a space opera that has become a western...) so made the decision to trunk novel 1. It's still hard, yo.
I'm in love with the way the Nitrogen ink sheens when I write with it, but am curious if anyone else has a favorite sheening purple for fountain pens?
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Everything is bad but also in the past seven days: ✅ Donald Trump became a convicted felon ✅ Steve Bannon had his bail revoked and must go to jail ✅Alex Jones was forced to liquidate his assets to pay Sandy Hook families. We’re on a little bit of a heater so let’s enjoy it for once.
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Leash your dog. Yes, you. Yes, your sweet dog. Leash your dog. Not only because of the harm it could do, but because you have no right to put other people through the stress of not knowing what it will do. EVEN IF you can predict your dog (you can’t), other people shouldn’t have to rely on it.
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Coming in Oct. 2024, THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD BEGINS IN ICE collects all the Spiritwalker/Cold Magic universe short fiction in an illustrated volume published by Fairwood Press. If you are an author potentially willing to offer a quote, or a reviewer interested in reviewing the book, please DM me.
Watching Godzilla Minus One: "My war isn't over yet." Look, man, I came here to watch a monster movie, not have all these damn feels! (Srsly tho, totally understand why everyone else loved this )
Watching G Minus One and am speechless.
Excited to be at my very first Bay Area Book Festival - I see a and have now spoken to more people in person than I have in a month?!
Do maga folks just have cognitive dissonance, or do they really not find T*ump's inappropiateness around the day to honor the people who died in service of the United States offensive?
I hope she sues, because discovery will be awesome. (These tech companies really need to actually hire diverse folks in positions where their ethical concerns are heard - won't happen because *waves hand at industry. But I continue to dream
Not a day goes by where generative AI doesn’t show its ass as a shady, exploitative, soul-stealing content grab. One that destroys the fidelity of information and helps to drain vital environmental resources.
Scarlett Johansson Says OpenAI Tried to Ink a Voice Deal, Was Rebuffed, Then Mimicked Voice The star portrayed an emotive AI in the 2013 film 'Her,' sparking comparisons to 'Sky' in ChatGPT's new Voice Mode.
Writer, hard at work! (That's a Woodford Spire and an Arnold Palmer)
I'd be COMPLETELY BENT at the administration that deals with the Pulitzer Prize banning press and free speech because some old white guys made their president uncomfortable.
It is bewildering to see how universities are reacting to student protest. Students have always protested! This is not at all new! I’d love to know what college parents think about all this.
reminded of Aliens, where my favorite marine is yelling, "Marines, we are LEAVING!" after half his team has been killed.
I admit, I kind of like those as well, although at times, I have shouted at the screen "Hey! Are you coming or not? THE BUS IS LEAVING."
You know, fuck all the way into the sun, Wendy. The colonizer-led, performative and racist comments in this! and yea, naming and shaming because the 'Native American writer' didn't deserve to see this but at least we're all (any BIPOC) now warned to be able to avoid you at 'cons coming up.
Watching the concert video of Billy Joel at his 100th show at MSG and as much as I love the Bay, there's an ache of how much I miss this neck of the woods #newyorkstateofmind
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The human species made a BARGAIN with dogs: skritches and warmth and food and fun exercise and things to chew, in exchange for a truly unstoppable amount of love and affection. Probably one of the greatest bargains made between species ever.