
It really is making *me* feel crazy to see a bunch of other Democrat voters running around screaming about how Biden is now unelectable, on the basis of one bad debate and an incredibly obvious ratfucking campaign by America’s most craven newspaper.
I feel like treating Biden’s quite obvious and visible cognitive decline as a ratfuck and not something 80% of Americans and many members of Congress agree upon and are concerned about is equally weird! Reasonable people can disagree about the underlying reality, but there is not escaping the q.
It’s a rat fuck promoted by America’s most evil newspaper, and it sounds especially insane to me in light of how Trump is incredibly obviously incapable of stringing a coherent thought together.
Like no matter what is going on with Biden's health, even if he is an actual corpse, he is a better choice than anybody else who is actually in the election.
That’s not the point though. Most people on the left calling for Biden to step down are doing so not because they think Trump is a better choice, but because we no longer believe he can beat Trump.
NOW you think he can't win, after one shitty debate? Not the absolute refusal to stop conservatives from dismantling the country, not the aiding a genocide, NOT THE FAILURE TO RESPOND TO OVERTURNING ROE WITH WEEK'S WARNING, but slurring at a debate.
What do you mean “now?” Before the debate I assumed the claims of his decline were exaggerated or outright lies. I believe the assurances. Then I saw with my own eyes that they were not. I would still vote for him over Trump. If he stays on the ticket I’ll pull the lever, but he can’t win.
* believed the assurances. I don’t know what to say. We were misled.
He can win if the people who hate Trump outnumber the people who love him, in the right places. That's what matters. My vote for Biden has nothing to do with Joe Biden. Biden could assign a secret service person to kick me in the stomach every morning and I would still vote against Trump.
But they don’t. We know this already. I feel the same as you do. I would vote for a random inmate from the New Jersey correctional system over Trump. But that’s not how the vote is going to go. If Biden stays in Trump will bury him.
I keep saying, I would vote for a fucking empty chair over trump, replace biden with whoever, all anybody cares about is not trump
So would I. I would vote to abolish the presidency altogether rather than have Trump back in office. The problem is that that’s not how must of the electorate will parse this. That’s not theoretical. The polling data is coming in.
Polling data has been broken for the last three elections since people don't answer their phones. Biden beat the polling data by quite a bit last time, because *many people hate Trump.* It is simply a matter of getting enough people to show up.
The thing I think a lot of people are missing about this election is that nobody is really persuadable. We've seen both these guys be president. The current one wasn't like great, but the last one was historically terrible, and few people in America have the memory of a goldfish.
What decline? He debates like shit, he has debated like shit since 2016, he has a shit comms team, has had for 4 years now. He is as fit to be president as he has been
Just stop this nonsense. You have to know better than this. There’s no time for bullshit. He’s done. He’s not going to win. Trump is an existential threat and must not win.
You really think a bad tv appearance is worse than his actual failings over the past 4 years? You think that people who held their noses over genocide and giving up bodily autonomy, are going to be put off by him debating bad?
I think people saw with their eyes that this the rumors about his cognitive decline were not merely rumors. He needed to dispel those rumors. Instead he substantiated them. That’s the ballgame.