Karen Wise

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Karen Wise


Book editor (mostly cookbooks). Bostonian. Liberal Democrat. Lover of cats and word puzzles/games of all kinds. she/her
Having my car serviced, and they supplied a Lyft for me to get back to work. Somehow the subject of cooking came up with the driver, and I mentioned I'm a cookbook editor. A lively conversation about tahdig (Persian rice dish) ensued.
"speak your peace" —> "speak your piece" #AmEditing
Seems like I'm hearing "false spring" every 5 seconds—which isn't surprising, given the weather in the Northeast, but I can't recall ever hearing that term before. Anyone else noticing it cropping up a lot lately?
Reposted byAvatar Karen Wise
Trump's very first appearance in the NYT was in October 1973, when he was sued by the Justice Department for refusing to rent to black people.
Reposted byAvatar Karen Wise
Beatles fan Charles Manson offers his views on the latest Beatles record, which many are calling The White Album.
NBC Nightly News interviewed a CPAC attendee. There was no mention that she is a convicted January 6 rioter who threatened to murder Nancy Pelosi. www.mediamatters.org/nbc-nightly-...
NBC Nightly News interviewed a CPAC attendee. There was no mention that she is a convicted January 6 rioter who threatened to murder Nancy Pelosi.www.mediamatters.org
That half-second after the coming attractions finally end when you forget what movie you're there to see.
My daughter's school gave everyone on campus a free NYT Games subscription! Such a great idea.
LOL, I googled "Alex Trebek" to check the spelling, and look what came up:
Another movie review, another book review, and two new recipes on the blog today: verbatim.blogs.com/verbatim/202...
Well, this is great news! "Miss Tweetdeck? Check out deck.blue, the spiritual successor to Tweetdeck, and customize your Bluesky experience."
Dear Mass. DOT: I have really been trying to get used to the new highway exit numbers, but I just can't. Could you please put them back they way they were? Thanks!
On the blog: Some books I worked on recently. verbatim.blogs.com/verbatim/202...
Reposted byAvatar Karen Wise
Three years later: Where our local Y'all Quedaists at? Massachusetts, crime, January 6 www.universalhub.com/2024/three-y...
Reposted byAvatar Karen Wise
Substack Turns On Its ‘Nazis Welcome!’ Sign. “The key point: your reputation as a private site is what you allow. If you allow garbage, you’re a garbage site. If you allow Nazis, you’re a Nazi site.” [techdirt.com]
For those who didn't know me on the bird site, it's time for the annual solstice story! On 12/21/96, I had been in labor off and on for 55 (!) hours. The L&D nurse who came on shift wrote down the date and said, "Oh, it's the longest night of the year!" I said, "YA THINK?!" (P.S. Happy Bday, Steph!)
For those who have permanently left the bird site, what did you do about your account? I don't want to close it because then someone can steal my user name. But I don't want to be on there anymore.
Reposted byAvatar Karen Wise
DeSantis tweets the stage directions. (My grandfather at the Passover seder would read out loud “The Seder leader lifts the matzah.”)
Wicked easy Saturday @nytimes.com crossword for a change!
Reposted byAvatar Karen Wise
57% of Americans tip 15% or less for an average meal at a sit-down restaurant: www.pewresearch.org/2023/11/09/t... People, when you're determining whether you can afford to eat at a particular restaurant, please factor in at least a 20% tip, or else your server is likely not earning a living wage.
"Simmer for 50 minutes, or until a think consistency is reached." That could be a typo for "thin" or "thick," but I suspect "thick" from the context. #AmEditing
It can be found in the international isle of your grocery store. —> international aisle #AmEditing
Me whispering pleasedon'tcrash pleasedon'tcrash pleasedon'tcrash to beachball icon on Acrobat... #AmEditing
Just gave my annual donation to @wikipedia.bsky.social—I use it every single day. If you do too, consider showing your support, if you're able!
Trader Joe's latest podcast episode is called "What's Not In Trader Joe's Products"—the timing of which strikes me as not terribly well thought out since they've just had a spate of recalls for rocks, pieces of metal, and insects in some of their products! www.traderjoes.com/home/podcast
Podcastwww.traderjoes.com NOTE* - to be published at 9am EST, to sync with updated audio file
It seems like most people think that “arms akimbo” means with arms outstretched, but it means with arms bent at the elbows and hands on the hips. #AmEditing